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Padmé decided she wanted to sleep, so I went out to Anakin. Obi Wan was on a call on the balcony.

"How did you get a job to watch over the Senator? For a Padawan, that is a major duty. One you should be proud of." Anakin praised.

"Thank you, but why I got the job is not something I like to talk about," I look at the floor. Memories of my Master, Roland Argus rush to my head. The reason I protect Padmé is because when Argus left the Jedi Order, I had no where to go. So they sent me to protect her as some charity project. That's nothing to be proud of.

"I'm sorry," Anakin frowned.

I shook my head, "don't be."

We sat in silence.

"(Y/N), I remember meeting you that day five years ago. You... changed me," he said mysteriously.

"I changed you?" I laugh. "And how would I do that?"

He looked at me with the same sparkle he had when he looked at Padmé, "I saw beauty much differently that day."

I didn't know how to respond. What was I supposed to say? I barely knew him for more than 30 seconds and he's already telling me how I "changed" him. "Thanks," I said awkwardly.

He stared at me, but I kept my gaze on the floor. Obi Wan approached us.

"What is happening?" Obi Wan asked as he tried to watch the surveillance in Padmé's room.

"She covered the cameras," I answered.

"What is she thinking?" Obi Wan furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't think she liked me watching her, Master," Anakin looked at him.

"She programmed Artoo to alert us if there is an intruder," I told Obi Wan.

Obi Wan approached Padmé's room, "there are many other ways to kill a Senator."

"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we, Master?" Anakin said.

Obi Wan's eyes widened, "you're using her as bait."

"It was her idea," Anakin explained.

"Don't worry," I start, "no harm will come to her. I can sense everything going on in that room. Trust me."

Obi Wan looked back at her room, "it's too risky. Besides, your senses are not quite attuned yet, (Y/N)."

"And yours are?" Anakin defends me.

"Possibly," Obi Wan mocks.


We stand outside on the balcony.

"You look tired," I tell Anakin.

"I don't sleep much anymore," Anakin plays with a bolt on the handrail.

"Because of your mother?" Obi Wan asks.

Anakin nods, "I don't know why I keep dreaming about her."

Obi Wan walks closer to us, "dreams pass in time."

"I much rather dream about" Anakin looks at me, "...(Y/N)." And he walks away from the balcony into the sitting area. My heart begins to race. I stay onto the balcony, but can still hear them.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now