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"You killed master Windu," I declare, trying the powerful hold on my hand, but am too weak.

Anakin shook his head tenaciously, "no, Palpatine did. He was going to murder him, (Y/N). And so were you." 

"He is a sith, Anakin," I retort spitefully. "Whatever he has told you, you cannot believe him."

"I stand with you. Which is why instead of running some," he paused and gulped, "errands for him, I was with you. Every minute for the past hour I died watching you, thinking you wouldn't wake up. But I felt the life in you. Once the twins were surgically removed- "

I caught my breath, feeling for my stomach, which was much less elevated than before. "They're- they're here?" Searching around the room, I spot a small container, probably holding the twins. I try to get up, but both a sharp pain in my stomach and Anakin stop me.

"I'll bring them to you," Anakin offered, releasing his grip and walking over to the container. Picking up one child, he brings it over to me, leaning down so I can see. "This is the girl."

Looking into the brown, featureless eyes of the child, tears roll down my cheek and I smile. "Layla. Her name is Layla." I reach up, placing the back of my hand on her cheek. It was soft. 

"It's a beautiful name for our beautiful girl," Anakin said, walking over to get the other child. He comes back, "here's the boy."

I do as I did with Layla, feeling his soft skin and studying his blue eyes. They looked just like Anakin's. "I'll- I'll name him . . . Jacen. His eyes, Anakin, they look exactly like yours."

Anakin couldn't help but agree. "They do, love." He smiled and shook his head, "I'm a father. To our children." He kissed the top of Jacen's forehead and set him back down in the container. As he walked back to me, he frowned.

"What?" I question, unsure of why he would look sad in such a happy moment.

Placing a hand on my cheek, he furrowed his eyebrows, "I have to go. I promised Palpatine that once you were awake, I would go and do the things he asked of me. He is going to save you, (Y/N)."

"I told you not to trust him, Anakin," I spill, clutching where Palpatine struck me. "Did you not see my wound? He did that to me."

A flash of anger sparked in Anakin's blue eyes, then faded, "he was misunderstood by your actions. It was a mere accident."

"Accident?" I try to yell, feeling my own rage bubble up inside of me, but I am too weak to keep it burning. "That was no accident, and you know it."

Anakin takes his hand off of my cheek and turns away from me. He speaks with a stone cold tone, "do not accuse me of siding with the enemy. I am on the right side, (Y/N)." I sit up, wincing at both my physical and mental pain. Spinning around, Anakin grimaces, "the Jedi have fooled us for too long. They are afraid of me. My power."

"Anakin, what do you mean?" I ask, worry rising.

Making a face as if the answer was obvious, he spoke as if I were dumb, "my loyalties lie with the chancellor. The Republic. So does the Jedi, at least that was what I thought, until they betrayed the whole galaxy."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I am talking about, (Y/N)," he says, looking at me. Like I was against him.

Raising my voice, I try to knock some sense into him, "he is a sith, Anakin! How ignorant are you? He is using you!"

"I convinced Palpatine to spare your life, our family! Do not make me regret that decision." With Anakin's words, my eyes widen and realize, he truly has been lost.

Knowing what he may do next, I shake my head. "Anakin, please, let's go. Now. It is time we leave the Order. Forget this war. Anakin, now. I do not care about Palpatine. Nor do I care where we live. Just go away, with me, please."

"There will be no order to worry about soon," he says with a small lopsided grin, not even acknowledging my proposal to leave.

I wanted to scream in his face that he was insane, but all that came out was a faint, "I love you. I need you. Do not do this."

He walked away from me, completely ignoring me, the only noise being the soft echoes of his boots against the floor. Before he exits the room, he turns his head halfway so he can barely see me, "I must go do things you may not like, but it is for you. All of this is for you. It always has."

"No, Anakin!" I cry, not paying attention to the burning sensation in my side as I get up and stumble over to him.

With a push of his hand, Anakin flings me back with the force. His face in rage, he bellows, "you will not stop me! You, of all people, will not!" As if a switch went off in his head, his face softens and his shoulders slump. Defeat and guilt etch his handsome features. Voice low, he casts his gaze towards the floor, "I am sorry." Looking at me one last time, he storms out of the room, making sure to lock the sliding door behind him.

I crawl over to the door, every bone in my body aching, and bang on the door. "ANAKIN!" I scream, tears running down my face. At this moment, I feel helpless. More than I ever have been. There is nothing I can do to stop Anakin from whatever horrible deed he is about to commit. I yell his name a few times more, choking in between sobs. Finally giving up, I let my body collapse to the ground. It feels cool against my skin, but the tears began to pool around me and warm me. Then I remember the children. Getting up, I use all my strength to open the door. Normally, it would not have been this hard, but now it was harder. I grab the children's containers and begin to shuffle down the hall. I realize it is almost completely empty, some frantic droids rolling here and there. Too weak to go any further, I drop to the ground, still holding onto the children tightly.

Pulling out my com, I push a button to call someone I know can help. "Padme," I groan as my friend appears on the hologram.

"(Y/N)!" she gasps, "what happened? The temple, it's- it is on fire! Are you there, are you okay?"

I shake my head, "I'm not there, but I am not okay either. Hurry get to my location. I need . . . I need your . . ." I begin to feel lightheaded and look down at my stomach to see a big red stain through my clothing. My stitches had come undone.

"Stay with me!" Padme cried, her hologram running through hallways. "I am locating you now, just stay alive!"

"I'm- I'm trying . . ." I fade out, everything around me beginning to blur and muffle. When it all goes black, I am finally at peace.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now