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I wake up before the skies of Coruscant are filled with light. Carefully I get out of bed, trying as hard as I can to not wake Anakin. Once my feet hit the cold marble, my reaction is to jolt away. But in spite of waking Anakin, I keep them there, letting the pain of the cold freeze my nerves. Quietly, I tiptoe towards the bathroom. After putting on robes, and thankfully my socks and boots, I head for the door. But before leaving, I place a kiss on Anakin's forehead. At my touch his head moves slightly, only to return back to its original position.

My destination at the moment is to my speeder. At the end of this corridor is a balcony, with rows of speeders lined up. I open the door at the end of the hall and search for mine. After moments, I finally find the blue automobile, and approach it. I hop in, start it up, and fly towards the medbay. The one I was at yesterday was in the Temple, so that's generally where I am heading.

Finally, I reach the Temple. Parking my speeder on a platform near the east entrance, I turn it off and hop out. My heels scuff the floor as I hurry to the bay.

When I reach the center, I immediately look for the woman who told me I was pregnant. Unfortunately, she is no where to be seen. In fact, it was pretty dead.

A green colored man with orange hair walks up to me, "may I help you, Master Jedi?"

"Yes," I say, looking around. "I'm looking for someone."

The alien scratches his scalp, "what's his name?"

"It's a she... But... Actually I don't know... She has brown skin, her hair was in a braid when I saw it. Brown hair by the way," I explain.

The man nods, "probably looking for Jakisha. She's down the hall, last room to the left."

"Thank you," I tell him, then scurry to her room. I reach the door, and open it with the force. Currently, Jakisha is working with a patient. At the sight of me, her eyes widen, but also give a silent how-dare-you-come-here look.

She rests a hand on her patient, and smiles. "Excuse me." Jakisha walks over to me, quickly losing her smile. Her hands push me out into the hallway, "what do you think you're doing here?"

"I'm visiting my brother," I lie, showing there is more than a reason to be here than to talk to her.

Jakisha sees through my fib, "sorry. What do you want with me?" Man, this girl bugs.

"I need answers," I reveal. All I wanted was the knowledge of my child. She crosses her arms and lets out a sigh. Her hands go up in the air, gesturing for me to ask. "Boy or girl? How many weeks? And what can I wear to conceal the child?"

"Too soon to tell, a little over a month, and," she knocks my shoulder plate apart of my armor, "not this. It's too tight... Something loose."

I take in the information one by one. Sadly it was too early to know if it was a boy or girl, but I'm relieved I'm this early into the pregnancy. "What about when I'm in battle?"
I ask. "I'll be putting the baby and myself in danger."

Jakisha snorts, and put her face in her hands. "Man! You don't know anything!" She laughs. "There's no way you fight with the baby. You'll kill it!"

Her answers were giving me no hope. "Then what am I supposed to do? Sit out?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah, actually," she states matter-of-factly. "Are you done? 'Cause I've got to help this guy?" Jakisha jabs her finger behind her.

"Yeah, yeah," I mutter, and begin to shuffle away.

I'm shocked when I hear, "I wish the best for you and the father."

I stop and dare not to turn around. But I do anyways, "thank you." A sad smile forms across her lips, and I try to return one, but I cannot take a smile. Not now.


By the time I get back to my room, the sun is barely over the horizon, and luckily Anakin is still out on the bed. I walk over to the side of the bed and place my hand on his forehead, brushing away his hair. He stays asleep, and surprisingly still. With a smile, I take my hand off and walk out to the sitting area. As I sat down on the couch, I studied the area before me. It was open to the skies of Coruscant. Straight ahead were speeders buzzing to and from. Many passed each day.

Then I hear a knock on the door. Quickly, I go to open it before Anakin does. Thankfully he doesn't wake up, somehow. But whoever it is, I really hope they don't want to come in. Using the force, I slide the door open. I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of my Padawan. "Von, what is it?"

"Training," he taps on his lightsaber. "Kinda a requirement." I find my hands applying pressure to the bridge of my nose. Nausea and stress hit me like a wild bantha.

I take a deep breath, "okay. Let's go." Letting go of my nose, I frown as I leave without saying goodbye to Anakin. If I were, Von would ask why he's there, and I certainly cannot answer that. It was always hard having to leave Anakin without a clue of where I was, or of the knowledge that I had left. "Have you been doing to levitating drills I taught you?" I inquire, trying to change the subject.

"Ha, actually," Von scratches the back of his head, "no. You see, I've been really busy and—"

"Cut it," I stop him. "No excuses. I brought it to your responsibility to train. If you wish to become a Jedi Knight—"

He cuts me off. "No, you do."

"If the force wishes of you to become a Jedi Knight," I continue, "then you are to practice. How do you think I became such a skilled Knight?" As he opens his mouth, I stop any witty reply to come out, "don't answer that." Von shrugs, and we continue to walk down the hall.

Finally, we reach the training center. As we enter, I feel a familiar presence. "Gabe!" Von shouts out to a Jedi sparring against another. Due to the disruption my Padawan brought forth, Gabriel was stricken by the wooden stick, sending him to the floor. Gasping, I rush over to help my old friend out.

"You alright?" I worry as I help Gabriel up.

His face is stricken red with embarrassment. "I'm fine." He takes my hand, and boosts himself up. Though I make sure to rip my hand out of his grasp when he tries to hold on longer.

"Sorry," Von frowns, casting his gaze to the floor.

"Never ever," I start, "do you disturb one's training." Von looks up at me with innocent eyes.

"Yeah," Gabriel scolds as he rubs his jaw. "That hurt, man." He turns to his partner and waves him off, "I'll see you later."

"Goodbye, Gabe," the man replies, then exits the facility. Now it's just the three of us.

We stand in awkward silence. That is, until I break it. "Well, er... Von and I here are going to train so—"

"Maybe I can help?" Gabriel suggests.

"Yes, yes," Von begs.

"Oh, no Gabriel. Really, it's okay—" I try to retort but:

"Great!" Gabriel cheers. "Let's spar."

Okay, I just wanted to thank everybody who supports or reads my book. I would especially like to thank Gryffindor_Jedi and Star_Wars_Fangirl_ for being a fan from the beginning. To be honest, I feel the quality in my updates in this book have gone downhill... So please, I am open for suggestion and if you find a mistake or wish for more detail, please tell me! Comment where ever, because I check all of them. Also sorry for this weird ending note thing, I just wanted to get this across. Thank you!!
(Btw it's 4 AM and I've been binge reading and finishing chapters so sorry if it is worse than normal)

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