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Von walks into the Council Chamber and stands next to me in the middle of the room.

"Young Von," Obi-Wan smiles. "Thank you for coming."

Von looks at me then back to the council. "Sure," he murmurs.

"Say hello to (Y/F/L/N). She is your master," Kenobi explains.

"But I haven't even done the Trials," he protests.

I look to him, "the council is permitting you to skip them under my guidance."

Von furrows his eyes, "why?"

"I've requested that you be my Padawan," I tell him with some edge in my voice.

"Whatever," he mutters.

"Von, that is no way to act towards your master. You shall treat her with respect," Master Windu demands.

The boy nods, "yes, Master Windu."

"I believe that is all, correct?" I inquire, wishing to leave the presence of the Jedi Masters.

Yoda nods apologetically. I set my hand on Von's back and guide him out of the chamber. They must've felt the tension in the room for letting us leave so quickly. There was still much more to say.

We walk down the halls then he speaks, "why did you choose me? Why not Maya?"

"Because," I keep my eyes ahead, "I didn't want Maya. I wanted you."

"Why?" He asks for the millionth time.

I stop walking, "quit it with the questions. I am your master, and you will learn to trust my judgment, do you understand?"

"What if I don't want to?" Von stops with me.

"Then no Knight will you never be," I state matter-of-factly.

He shrugs, "fine by me."

"Well it's not fine by me. I cannot handle your attitude much longer, so we will meet in the training center first thing in the morning," I instruct.

"Kay," Von agrees and walks away. I sigh and go to the library.

As I walk along the corridors of books, I spot Anakin. He spots me too. Anakin walks over to me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asks.

I shrug, "just needed some time to think."

He nods, "I saw you in the hall earlier. I was going to go say hello, but you were talking to a youngling."

"His name is Von," I correct. "He's a Padawan learner."

"Oh, he must've recently gotten assigned to a master because I saw him not too long ago training with Yoda and the other younglings," Anakin infers. "Why were you talking to him?"

I turn to the bookshelf and read the titles of the old documents. "He's my Padawan."

"You–," he stutters, "you have a Padawan?"

"Yep," I answer. He places his hands on my shoulder, turning me towards him.

"That's– that's just..." Anakin gulps, "wonderful." He gulped between like he was trying to swallow down his pride. The way he said wonderful was with slight disgust.

I furrow my eyebrows, "you're not happy for me?"

He lets his hands fall back down to his sides. "No, I am very happy, it's just..."

"It's just what?"

Anakin looks around us cautiously, "we should speak somewhere private."

"Anakin, why?" I plead.

"Just trust me please," he brushes his hand up against my cheek. Quickly, he lets it fall back down to his side, so if anyone were to peek around the corner they wouldn't of seen the act. "Let's go back to our room."

I hesitate for a moment, wanting to protest, but I just nod anyways. When he said our room, tingles went up and down my spine. It was the moments like these where we could act like we were married that made this lie worth while.


"Why did we have to talk in private?" I ask again, sitting down on the bed.

Anakin shakes his head, "I just didn't want to get into an argument in the library."

My mouth falls open, "you're kidding me? So you are upset I have a Padawan?"

"No, (Y/N), it's just—"

"You're jealous!" I shout. "You think Obi-Wan 'holds you back'! Not everything is about you Anakin! For once I would like you to be proud of me without having to hear some type of distaste in your tone!" I take a deep breath and relax a little bit. "It's not easy keeping up with the Chosen One all the time."

Anakin's eyes widen, "Chosen One? You're the Jedi Knight! I'm still a Padawan with this stupid braid, stupid master, and stupid restrictions!" He kicks the floor, "I hate being treated like a child!"

"Then stop acting like one!" I suggest.

He slumps down on the bed. Through grit teeth he manages to get out, "I can't do this."

My heart drops a bit. Do what? "What do you mean, Anakin?"

"First Qui-Gon. Then my mother. Now you," he spats.

"I'm not going to die anytime soon," I assure him.

Tears fill his eyes, "with the person I am, I will lose you soon."

"Anakin," i sit next to him. "Nothing will change how I feel about you. No matter how much I want to slap you across the face sometimes, I will always love you. And I will never, ever leave you."

He faces me, tears drying, "how do you put up with me?"

"Honestly," I sigh," I can't. But my love for you is so strong, I choose to get over it." Anakin smiles sadly, and I lean in to kiss him softly.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now