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That day, Anakin and I went out into the meadow for a picnic.

"You realize," he laughs, "we haven't done our job at all since we've gotten here?"

I laugh with him, "I don't have a care in the world about anything as long as I'm with you."

He smirks, "funny, because I feel the same way."

"Oh, do you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I do," He grinned.

"What do you think about politics?" Anakin changes the topic.

I shake my head, "don't care about them."

"What are your views?"

I sigh, "honestly, I think we need a new chancellor. All he has done has gained more and more power through the Senate, and the Trade Federation still has not been stopped. I have no respect for the man. This whole democracy thing -- it works -- but we are taking actions on the wrong things."

"Chancellor Palpatine is very kind and smart. He is an excellent politician, and he knows what he's doing," he bursts.

"Says who?" I raise an eyebrow.

"The chancellor. Me," he coughs.

"He uses the Senate. And he's using you. I don't trust him for one second," I say.

Anakin shakes his head, "if you met him you would say otherwise."

"Can we just not talk about politics? They cause arguments, and its such a dull topic," I ask.

He nods. "So tell me, (Y/N). Before you met me, did you have anyone who charmed you?"

"Well," I smirk, "in the Academy, there was a boy three or four years older than me. Very cute. His name was Gabriel. He was almost as charming as you."

"Key word," Anakin acted if he had won, "almost!" I shake my head and laugh.

"Did you have any love interests before me?" I ask. I knew what was coming.

Anakin scratched his head, "uh, yeah. Actually, I did. It was Padme. I called her an angel when I first met her. She is much, much different than I, though."

"Angel?" I jokingly glare.

He rolls his eyes, "please, other than my mother, she was the first woman I had ever seen. If I saw Jocasta Nu I would convince myself I had a crush on her."

"Uh huh," I roll my eyes back.

He takes my hand, "why don't we go into the tall grasses?"

"I'd love to," I say. I smile to myself, because we are already in tall grass. We run hand in hand across the meadow, laughing. Anakin releases his grip and runs after a big shaak. The animal tries to run away from him but Anakin is faster. I laugh at the chase. He hops onto the back of the animal and rides it standing. The next thing I know, he's being launched into the air and lands face first into the grass.

Anakin tries to get up, but his arms buckle under him and he falls back down.

"Anakin!" I scream and rush beside him. As I roll him over, he begins to laugh. He pulls me on top of him, and I laugh to. We roll around in the tall grass. Then we stop, and I'm on top of him, staring into his blue sparkly eyes.


I knock on the door. Anakin and I awkwardly wait for an answer.

"Hello," a woman opens the door.

I reach my hand out to shake hers, "hello. Is Padmé home? I am (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and this is Anakin Skywalker."

"(Y/N)!" Instead of taking my hand, she gives me a hug. "I've heard so many great things about you! And Annie! I remember the stories about you all those years ago."

Anakin laughs, "thank you...?"

"Oh!" She bursts. "I'm Padmé's mother."

"It is nice to meet you, Misses Amidala," I bow.

"I go by Naberrie, but oh, please! Call me Jobal!" She smiled warmly.

"Well, Jobal," Anakin winked, "it is very nice to meet you." He took her hand and kissed it.

"Jedi and a gentleman?!" Jobal gasped.

Anakin smirked, "package deal." Jobal and I laughed. She let us come inside and eat breakfast. As Anakin and I sat ourselves at the table, we drooled over the delicious looking meal prepared before us. On the plate was fresh scrambled eggs, side of toast, and some fruit. We had never eaten anything like this before. Jedi were basically banned from food, too. Ever heard of the Jedi that went rogue because of a pastry? Neither have I. Just shows how ridiculous the Order can be.

"You sure can charm Padmé's mother," I laugh.

Anakin stares at his plate, "I am being kind, that's all."

"I never got a kiss on the hand," I jokingly nudge him.

He looks at me. "I only try to impress you and other ladies I respect. Like mothers of course," he smirks. I laugh and shake my head.

Padmé walked into the room. She looked at us suprised, "uh..."

"Good to see you too, Padmé," Anakin jokingly glared.

"Sorry," Padmé apologized. "I didn't think you two would check up on me?"

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

She shrugged, "honestly, I expected one of you to kill each other in their sleep. I know about the problem on the freighter. It is obvious your views are much different. Politics, am I right?" Padme sat herself across from me. I wave of relief crashed over me. I thought she knew about Anakin and I, not that we were having an argument over politics. That's not even what we were fighting about.

I looked over at Anakin with a smirk, as he did the same. As the whole Naberrie family sat themselves around the table, Ruwee, Sola, and her two children Pooja and Rooja introduced themselves. Anakin easily impressed the young children, as well as everyone else. He used the Force to levitate objects.

After who knows how long of him playing with his breakfast, he cut a piece of fruit and levitated it into Padmé's mouth. Suddenly, I became heated with jealousy. How could he do that? Padmé clearly liked it, as pink rushed to her cheeks and she held this faze on Anakin with her dazzling eyes. Sometimes, I absolutely hated her and her perfect face and --

"(Y/N)?" Anakin sensed my anger. Or it was the fact I had bent the fork in my hand.

I look down at the curved metal, "oh! Jobal, I'm so sorry! I bent --"

Jobal waves her hand, "oh no, sweetheart. No worries. I got plenty of forks. Is something troubling you?"

"Uh," I hesitate. "N-no. Everything is completely fine." I finish strong with a wide smile. Sometimes I wonder where I would be if I could actually tell a lie.

Padmé laughs, "so you just felt like bending a spoon then?"

"No," I glare. "Just don't know my own strength."

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Anakin asked me out of the blue. Probably trying to change the subject.

"Not really," I admit.

Padmé points her fork at me, "so that's why you're more annoying than usual!" She laughs, thinking it was funny. No one else laughed.

I take in what she just said. Im not sure who she thinks she's become this past week, but she certainly didn't have any place to say that. As I set my napkin on the table, I announce, "excuse me," and hastily get up and storm away.

"(Y/N)," Anakin calls after me.

"Padmé!" Sola scolds her sister. I keep walking. Padmé has been so annoying lately. It's like she's trying to impress someone. Anakin.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now