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As Anakin and I stare out onto the stars, he scoffs, "I hate sand. It's coarse and rough. And it gets everywhere." I laugh and look down at the sand we are laying on. "But not this sand," he says much softer, "this sand is soft. Everything here is soft."

"Everything here is perfect," I admit.

He looks over at me, eyes wide. "What?" I ask him.

"Have you ever been swimming?" He asks. I look at the lake in front of us. I know where this is going.

"Well," I say, "when i was little, yes."

He shoots up and begins to take his boots and socks off. "Then let's go swim."

I watch as he takes his tunic, and undershirt off, but leaves his trousers on. As I watch his bare chest flex to all his movements, he looks at me. "I'm still going in. So you can join me, or you can sit here alone." He sprints along the shore and jumps into the water.

"What am I getting myself into?" I mumble to myself. I begin to take my boots and socks off, then my tunic. All that is left on my body is my trousers and a tank top. I walk into the water, and begin to tremble. The icy water sends coldness throughout my body. Stupidly, I walk further in, until I have to swim the rest to Anakin.

"Glad you could join me," he smirks.

"Y-yea, m-me t-too," I shiver. He wades over to me and takes me into his arms.

"Warmer?" He asks.

The burning sensation of his touch invades my body. "Yes," I look up at him.

"Good," he lets go of me. "Now I won't feel so bad about doing this!" He splashes water at me and laughs.

"Watch it, smart-guy!" I warn him as I splash water back. We keep splashing each other back and forth. Then Anakin dives under, and he disappears. Then he bursts up through the water, grabbing me. His arms went around my waist and he elevated me so for the first time ever, I'm looking down at him. I run my hands through his wet hair.

"You're even beautiful when you're soaked," his eyes sparkle.

I laugh, "you're cuter when you're hairs all wet."

He shrugs, "yea yea. I know."


We sit on the couch facing each other. "This could work, you know," Anakin rubs my forearm.

"What could work?" I tilt my head.

"You, me. Us," he says.

"No Anakin, it can't," I take my eyes off his, and look out into the dark sky.

"Why not?" He furrows his eyebrows. "We could keep it a secret."

I shake my head, "then we'd be living a lie. A lie I can't live, Anakin. Would you want that? Would you want to pretend for the rest of your life?"

"No. You're right, (Y/N). It would destroy us." He looks hurt. I rub his neck.

"We should get some sleep," I say as I run my hands trough his hair just like when we were swimming.

Anakin nods, "ok." He stands up, leaving me alone on the couch. "Goodnight," he kisses my forehead and leaves the room.


"Where's -- wheres my daughter?" My father asks. "(Y/N)!" He yells out.

"David, she's not here," Master Argus says.

"Roland," my father puts his hand on Argus's cheek, "train her. She's strong with the Force. Take her to Coruscant, and give her what I couldn't."

"No, please don't say that. You'll be able to take her there yourself, and to Naboo, and every other beautiful place," a tear rolls down Roland's face.

"I'm afraid it's too late, my friend," my father croaks out.

Roland shakes his head, "no, David. These people will get you to the medcenter and you will be safe! Alive and healthy!"

"Tell -- tell my daughter, I love her," my father says with one last breath. His body slumps back on the table.

The medical droid rolls in, "it appears Mister (Y/L/N) has died. I am deeply --" the droids last words were cut off by Roland's lightsaber cutting off its head. He breathed heavy, face stained of tears.


I sit up, breaths heavy. As I wipe tears away from my face, Anakin rushes into my room.

"Are you alright?" He asks worried.

"Was I screaming?" I look down at my trembling hands.

Anakin shakes his head, "no, but I could feel your pain."

"I had a nightmare -- dream. A dream of my father when he died," more tears escape from my eyes.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). Anything I can do?"

"No, there's nothing. Just... Go back to sleep."

"But --"

"Go, Anakin!" I bursted. Anakin nodded and left my room. Why'd I have to act mad at him? I was only angry at Master Argus for leaving me. At my father for not holding on.


I lay awake until the sun comes up. As I get out of bed, I put on my Jedi robes. Again, I walk slowly across the halls of the massive lake house. Padmé offered for maidens to serve us, but Anakin and I decided not to.

Anakin. I hope he's okay. I hope he didn't have any terrible dreams last night. I feel terrible about last night, he was just trying to help, and I pushed him away.

As I enter the kitchen, I see Anakin out on the patio, meditating.

I walk outside, and watch him.

He takes a deep breath in, "how did you sleep?"

"I didn't," I admit.

"Why?" He asks peacefully.

I lean against one of the pillars, "I couldn't stop thinking about the dream." Anakin doesn't respond. He's obviously deep in thought, so I begin to walk away.

"Tell me about it," he speaks once more.

"It was just my father and Master Argus," I start. "Roland was with my father in the medbay, and my father just... Let go." I choke a little on my words.

Anakin stays in his trance. "I'm deeply sorry, (Y/N)."

"No," I say, causing Anakin to turn around and look at me. "I'm sorry, Anakin. I shouldn't of pushed you away last night."

He walks to me and tucks a stray hair behind my ear, "it's ok, I would have done the same thing."

I put my forehead on his chest. All I wanted to do was go back to the meadow. In the meadow there were no worries. Ever.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now