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The chariot moves forward, and Anakin and I spot three large columns. One with Obi Wan tied up to it. As we get close enough to walk to our death posts, the guards kick us out of the chariot and lead us to them.

"Did you get my message?" Obi Wan furrows his eyebrows.

"Yes, Master," Anakin started, "and I retransmitted it just like you requested. Then we came to rescue you."

Obi Wan rolls his eyes, "good job." I smirk at his remark. The guards lock us into position. Then, I realize I have a hair pin in my hair. If I can get it out, I might be able to unlock the cuffs on my wrist. All I need to do is buy myself some time. So I climb up the column, and stand on the top.

They release the beasts, and mine starts attack my column. I finally get my cuffs off, but I'm knocked off my feet from a blow from the animal from under me. As I prepare to slam into the sand, I hear the crowds screaming. And Anakin screaming too.


I wake up surrounded by these things in armor.

I shoot up onto my feet, causing all of them to look at me.

"Captain Rex," one of them reaches out their hands to shake them. "We are in service to the Republic."

I shake Rex's hand, "where's Anakin?"


"Skywalker," I start. "A Jedi. He was with Obi Wan Kenobi."

"Oh yes. You'll be glad to hear they are safe," the mans voice is fuzzed by his helmet.

I look around me. We are flying over the sand dunes. "Where is he?"

"That ship," Rex points just ahead of ours. "Would you like us to follow them, sir?"

"Yes, Rex. And I'm not your leader, feel free to call me (Y/N)," I instruct.

The trooper shrugs, "you are the highest ranking on this vessel, sir."

I nod, not really listening to what he was saying. All I could think about was Anakin. My eyes stayed glued onto his ship.

We approach a large mountain, with a platform and an entrance. As I watch Anakin and Obi Wan jump out onto the platform, I get ready to do the same. The ship gets close enough for me to jump. I launch into the sky, and land with a roll. Obi Wan and Anakin stop running and turn around to me.

"Go do whatever you're about to do! Don't wait up!" I yell at them. They clearly get the message because they rush off. I turn around to my ship and shake my non-working lightsaber in the air. "Got anything I could use just in case I need to protect myself?"

"Oh yes, sir," Rex grabs a lightsaber hilt from his belt. "I was instructed to give this to you." He tossed it to me, and I caught it. I nod to thank him, and rush after Anakin and Obi Wan.

I watch as Anakin lay on the floor, and Obi Wan struggle. They are fighting Count Dooku.

"Just in time!" Dooku spats. "More pleasure from killing three than two!" I rush in to help Obi Wan but I'm too late. As he's about to be struck down, Anakin force leaps to his Master, and shields him. "Fool," Dooku mutters, then slices of Anakin's forearm.

"No!" I scream, running after the Sith. I'm stopped when he lifts his hands up, and sends lighting towards me. It hits, and I scream in agony. I collapse onto my knees until he stops.

My breaths stagger, then I immediately get back up to fight. I become one with the force. I let it guide me. control me. Take over me. As I begin to take the upper hand, the Count spins, kicks me, and I stumble backwards. There wasn't enough time for me to regain my balance. Then the evil man goes for a strike but I dodge, making him miss. Only by inches though, because his saber goes through my left shoulder, and I collapse to the ground.

I hear Anakin yelling, and Yoda fighting the Sith. After minutes of them going on and off, a large object comes above us three Jedi, but it is soon stopped. I hear running. Them I close my eyes to the sound of engines being started, and soon fading away.


Beeps fill my ears. I slowly crack open my eyes, adjusting to the bright light. My body aches, for reasons I don't know. As I look down at my body, I realize I am in my Jedi gown. And, I am in a bed, with many monitors and machines taking up most the space around me. The sounds of muffled voices can be heard from outside the room. I must be in a medcenter. Then, the door opens, allowing a droid to roll in.

"Splendid!" The droid exclaimed. "You're awake! You're friends have been worried sick!"

"W-what happened?" I study the robot. It has a large base, with four wheels. It's torso is much slimmer, with skinny metal arms. The head of it is rectangularish, with a screen on it, indicating its eyes.

"You have been unconscious for the last 32 hours," the droid explains. "We believe from shock."

"Shock from what?" I tilt my head.

The droid pressed some buttons on a monitor, "well, your back was burned to a high extreme. Luckily, we were able to treat it, and stop the bubbling. Also, you were somehow received over a thousand volts of electricity. But your wound in your left shoulder completely threw you off. That will be sore for a few weeks, but droids placed a metal holder inside."

I look down to my shoulder, and lift my shirt up slightly. My face must turn pale when I see the metal circle covering my shoulder because the droid rolls over to me, "you alright?"

"Yea," I murmur. As I let go of my shirt, I reach for my back. When I reach, my shoulder stings a bit. My hand brushes up against cloth, or a bandage of some sort, that is covering the burn.

"Will you take visitors?" The droid asked.

Anakin. "Yes, yes I will," I burst. The rolled out the door and exclaimed "she's awake!"

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now