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"Ah, hello, Skywalker," Dookus deep, spine chilling voice mocks.

Anakin narrows his eyes, "Dooku."

"Great plan of yours," the Sith makes fun, "to come help Obi Wan. Too bad it didn't work."

"So are you going to kill us yet?" I ask on the verge of punching the Count.

He paces in front of us, "oh, no. That would be savage. The beasts will take care of you." A devilish smile creeps up onto his face, "little do you know about your Republic."

"What do you mean?" Anakin furrowed his eyebrows.

Dooku stops in front of him, "you and your democracy have been misguided by the shadows. The Senate is under control by none other than a Sith."

"And" I start, "why should we believe you, Count?"

"Oh, please. Why would I lie? Even if I were lying, it would benefit me in no way. Neither does me speaking of the truth," he insisted.

"Why would you rat out your own kind?" Anakin rose an eyebrow.

"Oh, Anakin. There is much, much more you have to learn," he scolded. Dooku walked over to me, "(Y/L/N). I've been paying attention to you. You're a very skillful fighter. Smart. Last I saw you was..." He stroked his chin, "at Roland Argus's death."

The sound of my Masters name chips away at my heart. "I wasn't there when he died," I croak out.

"Oh," the Count snickers, "but I was. I was looking through his cloak, and there it was. A small image of you, smiling. Obviously much younger, but it was you."

"Why were you there?" I demand for an answer.

Dooku turns around and begins to walk away, "because my troops killed him." That was the last straw. I launch forward to attack the Sith. He shoots around, and strikes me with his arm. My body hits the ground with a slam.

"(Y/N)!" Anakin cries out. As he comes to assist me, guards grab him and hold him back.

"Take the girl to the cell," Dooku instructs his flying little servants. "Skywalker can go to my conference room."

"No!" Anakin yells out, and tries to get away from the Geonosians. With grunts and screams, he still can't release from their grip. I was too drained of energy to resist from being dragged to whatever this cell was.


I hear endless laughter around me. My head turns side to side, but I don't see anyone. Besides a figure to my left.

"Who's that?" I call out. My vision was slightly blurred.

The laughing stops, "Obi Wan."

"What's so funny?" I squint my eyes to try and make a clearer vision of him.

"Well," he starts, "I find it quite humoring how you try to come and save me. And from my perspective, I might as well figure out a plan to save you." My vision finally goes back to normal.

I roll my eyes, "okay, Kenobi."

"Where's Anakin?" Obi Wan looks around the room.

"With Dooku," I shrug.

"Of course he is," he sighs. I look down at myself. Each of my legs and arms have a sphere locked onto them. From the spheres are blue rods of energy.

I look to Obi Wan, "what are we being help captive in?"

"Jedi trap. It takes the ability for force users to use their powers to get out of this darn contraption," he explains.

A guard flies in and unlocks me. I fall to the ground as the grips of the cuffs let go of me. I've fallen too many times today.

"What about me?" Obi Wan raises an eyebrow.

In the Geonosians language, he says, "Dooku wants her."

Obi Wan rolls his eyes and slumps his shoulders, "good bye, then."

"See ya soon, I hope," I say with a hint of doubt.

I follow the guard out, where he leads me to a chamber.

"Get in," the guard pushes me into a chariot. I spot Anakin walking towards my chariot, with a relief across his face. He is demanded to get into the cart next to me.

"This is your execution, Jedi scum. Don't try and fight the animals, you'll be wasting your time," the gate keeper grumbles. I gulp, nervous for what will follow.

Anakin looks down to me, "don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid of death," I say, keeping my eyes ahead.

His hand brushes against mine, "why?"

"I've died little each day you weren't in my life," I admit.

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head.

It was now or never. I look into his blue, sparkly eyes. The eyes I will never see again. "I love you."

"You -- you" he stumbles, "love me? But I thought we decided not to fall in love?"

I speak softly, "I don't care anymore, Anakin. I love you. I love you more than all the stars and planets. I love you with all my heart. With everything I can give." With each word we lean closer to each other, "and I thought you should know before we die."

Then, our lips touch. Despite of all the murmurs around us, I keep my lips locked on his. We hold our position, keeping it soft and true. As the chariot moves forward, we slowly lean out, being careful of who is watching. But, we keep our eyes locked onto each other's.

This is where we will be executed.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now