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I wake up to someone shaking me.

"(Y/N)! We're about to land!" I open my eyes to Anakin.

I smile, "hi."

"Hi," he tucks a strand hair behind my ear. "We have to get going."

I nod my head in understanding and get up. This is so confusing, last night, I didn't want anything to do with Anakin, and now all I want him to do is hold me. I grab my cloak and put it on. The only things I own is the clothes I am wearing, an extra tunic and trousers, capsules, and my lightsaber. Jedi don't own anything else. Even simple little objects are considered as attachments. It's not fair. It's ridiculous, that's what it is.

Anakin must sense my frustration, "whats wrong?"

"Nothing," I shove the thought aside. "It's not important."

He takes my hand, "okay." It's cold to the touch, but it brings me warmth.

Padmé walks in the room, "we've --"

I jolt away from Anakin.

"Sorry," Padmé frowns. "We've landed."

"Okay," I say and leave the room. I realize I forgot my food capsules. As I'm walking back, I hear Anakin and Padmé talking. I wait outside the door and listen.

"What was that?" She asks.

He sighs, "it was nothing. Me and (Y/N) were just... Talking."

"Your hands?" She asks suspiciously.

Anakin takes a deep breath in, "it doesn't matter, Padmé. You really need to stay out of this. This is not your place." Padmé doesn't respond.

"I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm just confused about her," he says.

"Why?" Padmé asks.

"She does one thing, then says another," he says.

Padmé laughs, "she's a woman, Anakin. What were you expecting?"

"Padmé," Anakin starts, "she's much more. Much, much more." My stomach begins to swirl. I feel sick, yet I feel... Intoxicated. As weird as it sounds, I like it. He begins to walk out so I scurry around the corner. I walk around it towards the room that Anakin is now exiting, to play it off.

"I know you were listening. I could sense you," he says as we pass each other. I stop in my tracks, ashamed. It was wrong of me to listen. I shake it off, and retrieve my capsules.

"Got into an argument about Master Argus?" Padmé asks as I'm about to leave.

I shake my head, "there's no fooling you, M'lady. You have figured out too much." I walk out of the room.

I spot Anakin waiting just before the ramp, "I'm sorry, Anakin. I should've never listened."

"No," he comes closer to me. "(Y/N), I'm glad you heard. I meant what I said. You are more than a person, a woman, to me. You are far greater." We are now inches apart.

I feel heat rush to my cheeks, "not as amazing as you."

Anakin opens his mouth as to say more, but Padmé walks up to us. "Ready?"

"Yes, M'lady," I answer. We take Padmé's bags, and walk down the ramp.

I awe in amazement, "you're home planet... It's so beautiful. Just like my father described it." My hart pangs at the sound of the word father.

"She was once Queen of Naboo, when she was very young," Anakin explains.

Padmé smiles, "I believe I was too young."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now