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As I sit in my room, I fidget with my hands, trying to find something to take my mind off the baby. All I can do is worry about Anakin's reaction. I truly believe he will be happy, but it will cause a lot of tension. Not between Anakin and me, but the council. If they were to find out, which after a while wouldn't be hard, I would be put to shame in the name of the Jedi. Now the only thing I can do is wait for Anakin. But I wish for him to not come for as long as he can. My mind tries to focus on him. Find him through the force. Unfortunately, the senses I acquired for him were growing stronger with each passing second. That meant he was coming. And he was close.

Level 14...15...16...17........ I gulp and accept the truth: level 24. Anakin is now on our floor. He is two hallways away. How long would it take for him to – one hallway. Now Anakin is only 30 steps away.

20 steps.

10 steps.

5 steps.

1 step.

There's a click at the door, and it slides open. "I didn't know you were out already!" Anakin smiles brightly. "I was just about to head over to the med center." I get up to embrace my husband, grasping onto his robes. He is slightly taken back by my approach. "You are acting if we have been apart for years."

I burrow my head into his chest, away from the galaxy. "Seconds away from you are lifetimes." He lets out a playful laugh, and squeezes me tight. Slowly, I feel his joy go away, and concern grow.

"(Y/N)," Anakin pulls my head out from concealment, "why are you acting like this? You never act like this." His hand reaches for my cheek, and he brushes his thumb against it. I look up into his blue, stormy eyes. They were once clear, but now were disturbed and troubled. Something war does to a person. For the hundredth time, I realize how much greater in height he is compared to me. When I look up at him, I let my chin rest upon his chest, and that is when I am standing straight up. "Hey," he snaps me out of it. "Talk to me."

As quickly as I can I try to make up an excuse. Now is not the time to tell Anakin about our child. It's too, too soon. I hate to lie to him, but I cannot muster up enough courage to tell him. Finally, I come up with something. "Ana–"

"Wait," he stops me. His hand moves from my cheek to my temple. He places his fingers right near my left eye, "was this when you dueled Dooku?" I nod, taking my gaze down to my feet. The sensation of anger and hatred strengthens, and I look up at Anakin who wears a scowl.

I reach for his hand, and pull it down to my waist. He moves from my waist to my back, and begins to rub it, slowly calming down. "What I was saying earlier," I gulp, "was that I have changed."

"Changed? Like what?" Anakin asks while taking his prosthetic hand to my hair. The metal is cool to touch on my scalp.

My eyes stare straight ahead, not daring to look into Anakin's eyes. "When I killed Dooku... It was out of anger. Not for the well being of the Republic or this war, but for my own personal needs."

"At the briefing you said you had no choice, (Y/N)," he reassures. "If you did not kill him there, you would have been dead. Of course it was for your personal needs." The thing is, I lied at the briefing.

I shake my head, "no, Anakin. I made that up. It was quite easy to disarm him–"

Anakin interrupts, "easy? Dooku is a Sith Lord. How is that exactly easy?" He gives an unnoticed glare, but I saw it.

"That's just the thing, Anakin. I wouldn't of been able to beat him without my anger," I explain. His eyes widen, and he stares at me as if I was a crazy person. "All of my anger from everything that has happened lately just built up and something inside of my went off." Tears begin to form in my eyes. "Oh, Anakin! What am I becoming?"

As I sob, he pulls me back into his chest, holding me within his arms. He holds me so tight. The protective hold between his two hands are unbreakable. "You are becoming the most powerful Jedi to live." His chin rests on top of my head.

"Dooku said he had foreseen my future," I reveal. "He said I have chosen the path to the dark side. And Anakin, he knew about us."

"B–but how? You think the holy man would spill?" Anakin wonders.

I shake my head, "he couldn't. What if we were being spied on?" The thought frightens me.

"I don't care about that..." Anakin begins. "Tell me what is actually bothering you." He always knew. Always he knew that there was a different reason. "How long is it going to take to put our trust into this relationship, (Y/N)?"

I sigh, and lean out so I can look at him. "Anakin, something–something wonderful has happened." A smile forms across my lips, and they begin to quiver as the words fall out of my mouth, "we have been blessed with a child."

"You're—" Anakin's gaze releases from my eyes down to my stomach.

"Pregnant," I finish the sentence. My fear grows as I watch him with disappointment, fear, and worry.

But it all vanishes when a wide smile spreads across his face, and he lets out a laugh, "pregnant? I'm going to be a father?" He laughs loudly and picks me up and twirls me around the room. I begin to laugh too, until I begin to get dizzy. Realizing my reaction, he gently sets me down on the bed. "I probably shouldn't do that," he laughs. "It might not be good for our child."

At the word our I grin. But the evil monster known as fear robs me of my happiness. "Anakin... What will we do?"

"Nothing," Anakin laughs. "Absolutely nothing. When the time comes, we will know what to do. But for now, let us bathe in happiness for a child of ours. Let's be happy."

I kiss him on the lips, holding mine there. Slowly, I lean out, resting my nose against his. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now