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I cautiously enter the large room. The Chancellor smiles at my presence. A smile that haunts my dreams. Why was Anakin so comfortable around this old man? He gave me the creeps. Also, I got a weird vibe around him. Possibly it was the force warning me, or just me making another false claim.

Palpatine stands, "ah, hello (Y/N)! For a while, I was thinking you weren't going to visit me." His hands lay intertwined on his stomach.

"Forgive me, Chancellor," I bow. "I have had plenty of things keeping me busy. Though today I found myself free."

He sits back down and gestures to a chair across from his table. "Take a seat, take a seat." As I take a seat, he clasps his hands back together, "I'm actually glad you came by... There's something that I've been needing to talk to you about that has recently came up."

I gulp. "And that would be?"

"You and Skywalker," he declares. My mouth becomes dry and I feel as I will not be able to speak any further. "The two of you are an excellent team." In spite of my inability to talk, I nod. "I would like to appoint you as my personal representatives of the Jedi Council."

My throat relaxes, but I am in too much shock to speak, "J—Jedi..."

"Council, yes," Palpatine laughs.

I shake my head in retort, "they elect their own members. There is no way to convince them—"

"(Y/N)," he suedes, "let me handle it. The two of you will be on the council."

"There's more," I suggest, sensing his anticipation.

He opens his mouth with a chap, and let's it stay there for a moment. "Eh... Yes. Yes there is much more." His leg swings up onto his lap. "Your relationship with him is... most interesting."


The Chancellor begins to say something, but is cut off by a comlink. "Excuse me, but this is a reminder for me. I must get going."

"Goodbye," I bow. Palpatine smiles wickedly and waves. Then I exit the room.

I swiftly strut about the halls of the Jedi Temple. The high ceilings that seem endless, the marble of what is the walls. Such a magnificent palace of beauty and grace, of peace and order. Everything that this Temple stands for, exists for, is everything I do the opposite of.

Finally, I reach the training center. Far in the back of the room, I spot my Padawan. He can feel my presence, as his sudden awareness heightens. The hairs on his neck stand up, and a chill is sent down his spine. All of his skills are suddenly exaggerated. Each of his kicks are higher, his grunts are louder, his follow throughs are longer. As I watch him try to impress me, he truly does blow me away. He holds a training blade, fixing his grip on the hilt. His left hand reaches for the weapon, and once in hold, he stands in form. Three droids appear as a blue translucent vision. But Von treats them as flesh. He drops, swinging his right leg to the left, causing the first droid to fall from under itself. Before charging the next droid, he stabs the first, then brings his weapon up. This next droid wielded a training saber as well. He grunts as he parries the first strike, overpowering the droid to lose its grip on its weapon. Von spins 360 degrees and slices the droid in half. And the last one was the easiest. With a lift of his hand, the droid began to levitate. He gestured his hand toward the wall, and the droid went flying, only to smash into the wall right after.

"Impressive," I state. Hands behind back, I approach my learner, "you will soon become a great Jedi Knight."

Von's lips twitch in delight, "thank you, Master." But the joy is soon diminished by his conflicting feelings.

"Von," I place a hand on his shoulder, "what is it. I sense this...trouble inside of you."

He shifts away from my touch. "I've been having these visions, Master." His hand reach up for his braid, and he begins to tug at it, "but it is nothing. I assure you."

Spite his claim, I take his shoulder once more and lead him to the mat. "Sit," I instruct, sitting down. He sits down across from me, crossing his legs like me. "You must tell me  what these visions are."

"Okay, Master Yoda," Von snickers. But he soon realizes I am not a bit amused. "I'm sorry," he mumbles, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "These, er, visions...it's about my family," he explains, a far off look in his eye.

I nod, "what do these visions show? Sadness, pain, happiness?"

"Death," Von states harshly. He keeps his gaze off of my eyes, and stares at the ominous mat. "I—I don't know if this a premonition. But it feels so real, so...now. Their suffering as they die slowly."

"(Y/N)," a voice interrupts. I look to the entrance to see Anakin.

Von stands up, "you should probably go talk to him, Master."

"Von, may I borrow your Master for a moment?" Anakin questions, clearly growing impatient.

I get up, patting Von on the shoulder, "I am clearly summoned. Do not pay much attention to these visions. Good job today." Offering a sad smile, I turn from Von and head over to Anakin. With a quick glance back, I see Von picking back up the practice blade.

Walking past Anakin, suggesting for him to follow, I start off with attitude, "couldn't you see I was in the middle of something?"

Anakin scurries to catch up to me, "yes, and I'm sorry, but I have to talk to you about the child."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now