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Normally I was not that nervous when going to speak with the council, but today when they asked for me to come see them, I suddenly became on edge. I did not fear it was about Anakin and I, but I felt slightly excited as well. Possibly my senses were telling me it was a good thing.

The sounds of my boots echo across the hall. As I walk along the corridors of the Jedi Temple, I spot the large entryway to the council chamber. When I reach the door, I pat down my robe to smoothen it. I take a deep breath in and enter the room.

"Hello," I greet the council as I walk to the middle of the chamber.

Yoda smiles, "hello, (Y/L/N)."

I open my mouth to say more, but Mace starts before I can, "(Y/L/N), we have found great skill and ability with you lately." Pride inside of me builds. "And as you may know, many Knights of the Jedi are needed for this war."

"Yes, I do know, Master Windu," I answer.

The master Jedi nods, "but without a teacher, there can be no Knights."

"Are you saying," I gulp, "I get my own Padawan learner?"

"Yes, yes," Ki-Adi-Mundi adds in. "And, if you succeed, you shall be rewarded with a chance of Mastery."

I look to Obi-Wan, who wears a sly smirk. "I request of her presence at my Padawans ceremony. To give her a taste of what is possibly in her near future." Was he saying I was to become a member of the council?

"Part of the Council, (Y/L/N) is not," Yoda frowns. "Besides, yet to pass the Trials, Skywalker has."

Kenobi cleared his throat, "we are in need of Knights, aren't we?" The council nods in response. "I believe Anakin has proven he is worthy of being a Knight. Not only has he single handedly saved me from a well experienced Sith, he has successfully won many battles with the clones."

"What are you suggesting, Kenobi?" Mace rose an eyebrow.

"I'm saying," Obi-Wan motioned his hands, "Anakin needs no Trial. He is ready for Knighthood."

"What?!" Mundi exclaims. "A Padawan to become a Knight, without a Trial? That has never been done, nor is it of tradition!"

Kenobi hardens his voice, "tradition must be broke in a time like this, Mundi. Anakin is far beyond his current rank, and you know it." The two Jedi Masters glare at each other.

"Hmm," Yoda hums. "A secret Ceremony, Skywalker will have. Know of this, no one shall." Yoda eyes me, "be apart of Kenobi's Padawan's ceremony, (Y/L/N) will not."

"I understand, Master Yoda," I humbly obey.

Windu furrows his eyebrows, "you are the only one not apart of the Council who knows of this. This will stay between us, and is not to be discussed with anyone other than us."

"Yes, Master Windu," I respond.

"Well then," Obi-Wan leans back in his seat, "you will be able to request of your Padawan if you'd like. I suggest you take some time at the Academy and look over all of the younglings. But for now, we are done."

I bow in response and exit the Chambers. As I walk along the halls, my mind lingers from possibly being apart of the Council, then to Anakin. When I turn a corner, I spot Gabriel. Quickly, I spin around and walk the other way. Then I hear footsteps.

"(Y/N)!" He catches up to me and stops me. "Just the person I've been looking for. Long time no see. Is everything alright?"

I give a tight smile, "yes, everything is fine. Thank you, Gabriel." When I try to walk away, his grip stays on my arm, keeping me from leaving.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now