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"How hard could it be to lift a rock?" Von lifted up his hands, letting them fall back to his sides with a thump.

I shook my head, "it's not as easy as it sounds."

"Well," Von pursed his lips, "I'm sure I can do it on my own. Each day I'm getting closer to knighthood. I'm getting stronger. Give me the biggest rock to lift in the garden today. Any rock, and I'll lift it." His face gleamed with pride. He was exactly like me, which wasn't much of a good thing.

"Any rock?" I repeated, quirking an eyebrow at my Padawan.

He put his hands to his hips and tilted his head, "you heard me the first time, master."

I shook my head and let out a small laugh. Giving Von a playful shove, a jokingly glare at him. "Since when did I allow you to speak to me like that?"

"You never really set any guidelines, master," Von shrugged, a small smirk taking place on his face.


My finger reaches up and extends towards the biggest rock in the field. It towered over Von like a skyscraper. "That one."

"But—" he uttered, mouth gaping wide open. His eyes looked all up and down on the rock before turning to me, "master, that's impossible!"

I put my hands behind my back, "it's only impossible because you said it was." Standing in front of him, I set a hand on his shoulder, "you said any rock. Now lift it."

Stepping away from me, Von puts on a determined face. As he lifts his hands up towards the colossal formation, he takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes. In a matter of seconds, the rock begins to rumble the slightest, before Von drops his hands in defeat. "It's too big," he breathed, gasping for air.

"Do it again," I commanded. Doing the same as before, the rock begins to shudder once more. The petrifying sun cooks on Von's face, speckles of sweat beading along his forehead. Around him, the green grass grazes against Von's boots, the wind causing them to sway back and forth. The veins on his forehead begin to become visible much more clearly than they had been before. His level of concentration and relaxation was the most powerful I had felt it.

Just as the rock began to lift ever so slightly, a voice shouted, "(Y/N)!" Von drops to the ground in a pant, letting the rock fall back down. He put his face to his hands and swiped at the long grass. Turning towards the noise, I spot Anakin and Ahsoka approaching Von and I.

Ahsoka lifts her hand in a wave, smiling. Anakin looks at me, grief in his eyes. Avoiding eye contact with Anakin, I protest, "why would you interrupt us? Von almost had it." Anger laced throughout my tone, earning me a surprised expression from Ahsoka.

"(Y/L/N)," Anakin cleared his throat, being careful of his next words. "We—I didn't know. I am sorry." The last part seemed more like an apology for last night than now.

"Well, Skywalker," I start, using his last name since he used mine—which I greatly disliked— "it seems there is nothing we can do now."

Ahsoka lifted her hand slightly, anticipation in her stomach growing, "Master (Y/L/N)...possibly I could help Von."

I sighed, looking back at my Padawan. He stood behind me, hands at his sides, feet even with his shoulders. "You're welcome to do whatever you think can help." I turned my body to the side, allowing Ahsoka to go to Von. But possibly her helping him wasn't as good as an idea as I had thought. Now there was time for Anakin and I to talk.

"Love," he whispered regretfully, slowly approaching me and taking my hand gently. "You didn't come home last night." I turned my head from him, wanting to show no emotion.

Anakin's gloved hand touched the side of my cheek and brought it towards him. "You didn't come home last night," he repeated.

I glanced back at Ahsoka and Von, making sure they were keeping themselves to busy to pay any attention to Anakin and I. "I know."

"Why?" Anakin asked. I could feel the battle within him. The fear of whatever my answer may be, the fear of his visions, his unsatisfaction with the council. His eternal war that he kept fighting was what is bringing him down. Crumpling his walls. Destroying every last good piece of Anakin Skywalker.

I squeezed his hand habitably. I had done it so much, I do it without even knowing. "I needed some time away."

"From me?" he pushes, pointing his glove towards himself.

I nod, watching the pain of his heart creep up behind him and stab him in the back. She blinked, his expression turned blank. He knows that I would never take a break from him, no matter how bad the circumstance was. But he was wrong.

"What have I done?" he asked himself, placing his flesh hands on his eyes.

"Anakin," I take his hands from his face, "it was for only one night, love."

"One night is too many. I couldn't sleep without you by me. It—it . . ." he started before shaking his head.

I push a stray piece of hair behind his ear, "it what?"

"It was like if my visions had come true," he admitted, having trouble telling me this. "If I don't take action, I will be sleeping alone. But not for one night, but the rest of my life." Suddenly, he took me into his arms. Though Ahsoka and Von were probably watching, I didn't care. Not at this point. Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around him tighter. The side of Anakin's cheek grazes the top of my hair, both his concealed and flesh hand playing with the small waves.

I lifted my mouth up to his ear, "I love you." Then, letting my lips fall back to his cheek, I kiss it softly but gently. He sighs of relief, knowing the night before hadn't been his last kiss he would receive from me.

"I love you too," he smiled, squeezing me. "Never leave me again. Never."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now