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The next morning was pretty... Interesting. Anakin just stared at me while at breakfast, not even eating, but we never spoke a word to each other. Early this morning, we got a call saying we were to leave a little after noon, which was perfect. I hated leaving really early, or really late.

Now, Obi-Wan, Von and I wait at the shuttle to take us to the base. Anakin is out doing who knows what. "Where is he?" Obi-Wan scowls.

I shrug, "probably got lost. On purpose."

"Probably," Kenobi replies. Mine and Obi-Wan's relationship was growing stronger with each mission. The first time I met him, two years ago back at Padmé's apartment, wasn't too pleasant. I was very intimidated by him, you know, him being a Knight and all. But now, even him as a Master, I feel as comfortable around him as anybody. Of course there are millions of things I would never tell him, because of his spot on the Council. For example, my marriage with Anakin. It would have to be a very desperate situation for me to reveal that to Obi-Wan. Luckily, I'm never in those situations. At least I haven't been yet.

I hear footsteps. Anakin. Turning my body towards the sound, I see someone much other than Anakin. Gabriel. "(Y/N)," he smiles. "I came to wish you good luck. This will be a very difficult mission, but I know you will do excellent."

"Thank you," my cheeks begin to turn a shade of pink.

Gabriel cranes his neck to the left. "Von?"

"Gabriel!" Von shouts, a gigantic smile forming. What is happening?

"You two know each other?" I furrow my eyebrows, confused.

Von nods, "yea, he used to help Master Yoda out sometimes." The Padawan turns back towards Gabriel, "you should come on the mission with us!"

"Oh Von–" I start.

Obi-Wan interrupts, "actually, Toutney here would be to our assistance."

"No, no," Gabriel insists. "This is your mission, I would not want to be interfering."

"I'm part of the council, I have a say in this," Obi-Wan states matter-of-factly. "Come with us."

"Obi-Wan..." My voice fades.

Gabriel smirks, "let's do this, Master Kenobi." Why? Why was this happening? Oh gosh.

"Excellent," Kenobi smiles back. "I'll be prepping the shuttle to take us to base. Toutney, you can be with (Y/L/N)'s squad." The Jedi Master begins to walk towards one of the speeders.

"So," Gabriel looks at me. "What is our objective, general?"

"Your objective is to stay on the destroyer with Von. Anakin, Obi-Wan and I will be going to rescue the Chancellor." I gulp. "You will be our ride out of there."

Just then, I hear a clear of a throat.

"Anakin Skywalker," Gabriel shakes his head, slowly approaching towards me. "My, my. You sure are much less of what I expected."

I turn to Anakin, whose cheeks are red hot. "Who's this?"

"Gabriel," I gulp, "Toutney." Beeps come from Artoo.

Anakin wears a scowl, "oh I've heard about him."

"It'll be a pleasure working with you, General," Gabriel sarcastically salutes to Anakin, then walks to the speeder.

Anakin opens his mouth, but I raise my hand to stop him, "we will talk about it later." Von and I walk to the speeder, Anakin angrily following with Artoo at his heels.

Then, a droid ship comes into view of the sky. Obi-Wan runs out of the speeder, "we need to go now! It looks like they've brought the fight to us!"

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now