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Trust me when I say I will take any chance to show up some guy. If Anakin proposed a fight I would take his offer. Let's just say that Gabriel certainly had no way of beating me. My dodges were crisp, and my attacks were swift. It was a beautiful fight according to Von.

Now, I am opening the room to Anakins and my room. I find my husband pacing impatiently across the veranda. "Where have you been?" he spats.

"Anakin," I let out a laugh. "Calm down. I was only training—"

"I thought something bad had happened!" he shouts. Tears stained his face.

Hurriedly, I approach Anakin. Placing my arms around his neck, I feel the cool touch of the necklace that lay around it. The symbol of our marriage. "Anakin, what is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, my love," he sighs. His hands grasp my face, and his lips touch mine. It goes from a soft, light kiss, to a heated passionate one. Anakin's hands travel from my face to my hip. I find my hands getting lost in the curls of his luscious hair. It was damp from sweat. Slowly, he begins to press further. As he pushes me back, we run into the bed post. That was all it took to snap me out of it. I lean out, gasping for air. My hands clutch onto his hair, and I feel his heavy breaths hit my face. "It hasn't gone that far in a long time."

I laugh, "a month, actually."

A smile creeps up on his face, and his gaze releases from my eyes, and casts to my stomach. He brings his hand atop it, and grazes over it. It had slightly grown. Either that, or I was just imagining things. Suddenly, his hand stops, and his smile fades.

"What is it?" I plead for an answer.

He brings his eyes to meet mine, "I had a dream."


Anakin doesn't answer me. He just chooses to let his eyes rest upon anything but mine. "Anakin, we must find trust in this relationship. We have been married for over a year now and we still have trouble talking to each other."

The Jedi takes in a deep breath. He lets it out slowly, "it was a dream." I nod in response. "Like the ones i had about my mother," he elaborates in a far off tone. "Only they were... A—about you."

My heart skips a beat. "Oh," is all That can manage to escape my mouth.

"You will die in childbirth," he reveals.

Suddenly, fear attacks, and I grasp my stomach. "The child?"

Anakin closes his eyes, "I do not know."

I let go of my tummy and place my palm on Anakin's cheek, letting my thumb rub his jaw. My left hand reaches for his hand, and the cold, metallic touch of his hand shoots through me like poison. A good poison though. "Anakin, I am not going to die."

"I will not let these dreams become real!" his jaw clenches. "I will not lose you like I did my mother," he decides.

The curious anticipation of what is to come heightens inside of me. But at the same time I wish not to know. There is nothing good about it. Nothing good can come from the news of death. I had heard it enough times. Roland... My father. And now Anakin is saying it is I who is next. Fear courses through my veins, anger pumping alongside of it.


"Rise, Darth Vader!" a menacing voice echoes around me.

On an operating table, I see a creation of evil come to life. It's helmet with lens concealing the only window to trust. The grill of which covers its mouth. A constant breathing that does not shorten nor lengthen surrounds.

The monster stands. It's frame is larger of any mans. Gloves and body armor conceal its true skin. A cape that radiates awesomeness and royalty rest against its back.

But the voice that comes out of it is not human nor alive.

"Where is she?" the black phantom searches around the room.

A deep, raspy chuckle escapes from the voice once heard earlier, "she is dead!"

Darth Vader falls to his knees. A loud screeching noise escapes him, and he grieves in agony.

The raspy voice comes forth again, this time filling the silence with a laugh that sent chills down the most cruelest person.

I must of been tossing and turning, because when I open my eyes, I see a restless Anakin. "A dream?" he questions, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yes," I admit, sitting up. My hands cover my face, and feel the sweat that lines across my forehead. The heart inside of me beats at an unhealthy rate.


I swallow down my tears. It was a horrific vision. Though I did not know what I was watching, it was very rattling. "I—I don't know," I stammer. Anakin sits up, and my eyes find his. "Something about a—a Darth... Possibly a Sith Lord." His eyes sparkle with interest. "The image was grueling. It seemed as his creator—or master—had revealed that she died. Whoever she was."

"Do you think it means anything?" Anakin asks while grabbing my hand. My thoughts get lost in the possibility of being someone I know. Maybe Master Argus? What if—no. Not at all. There is no doubt I have in my body that Roland would kill himself before becoming a Sith. Even though he declared to leave the Order, he would never serve evil. He was not foolish. I snapped back to reality when Anakin speaks. "(Y/N)?"

"It doesn't matter right now," I avoid answering the question, offering a fake smile. "Like you said, let us not worry."

Anakin does not smile nor gives any positive back. "It is hard to do that when the woman I love will die if I sit here and do nothing."

"Anakin," I reach for his face. I let my hand rest against his cheek. It is hot with anger. But why? "I will not die in childbirth. The day I die is far from here! We have no reason to fear the future. Can we not live in the now? Can we not let our love surround us and bring us joy?"

"I will not lose you," Anakin spats hastily through grit teeth.

My hand travels back to his hand. "Yes, Anakin, you won't. Not for a long time. This baby will change us. A good change." I bend over and kiss Anakin on the cheek. "I will not die in childbirth. I promise you."

"No I promise you," he retorts quickly, his eyes staring coldly into my soul.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now