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Anakin insisted he rowed us to the lake house, and the guide didn't hesitate to take his offer.

"Let's just sit here for a minute," Anakin awed over the glorious view.

I look out, "I wonder why they actually let us go on leave. Together." My gaze goes back to Anakin.

"Well," he smirks, "I may have convinced Yoda..."

"What did you tell him?" I raise an eyebrow.

He laughed, "I told him we were actually going on a mission. Well, technically now we have to do part of it, but only for a day or so."

My eyes widen, "I didn't want to have to work, Anakin!"

"Oh," Anakin waves his hand, "it's not that big of a deal. I told him we are going to crack a case."


He shrugs, "to find a man who's been hustling drugs. And I think we got a lead. Doonga was the suspects supposed species." I nod in response, slightly annoyed by his actions.

We continue to gaze out to the magnificent view. The water runs into the canoe, causing little splashes. I remember when Anakin and I went swimming. It was one of my favorite memories.

"I was scared half to death," Anakin blurts.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

He begins to row the boat, "when you fell off the pillar. You had just admit you loved me, and I thought I lost you."

"Anakin," I place my hand on his leg, "I wont leave you."

"Never?" His eyes gaze fixedly onto mine.



We walk into the bar Doonga told us about. All around Anakin and me were a variety of people. I was shocked to see this kind of business on Naboo. From businessmen who had a hard day, to prostitutes, this place had them all. As I entered the buzzed place, I caught many men looking my way.

I remember Anakin and I changed into normal clothing. He had told me we should go undercover, so we don't draw any attention to ourselves. It's not rare to see a Jedi, but usually when there's one present, especially in a place like this, it doesn't always mean good times.

We walk further into the loud place, and Anakin grabs my hand. "I see all these creeps looking at you." I look up at him and smirk, and he returns it. All of the men who were checking me out scrunched up their faces and turned away. I gave a sigh of relief.

"Anakin! (Y/N)!" An all too familiar voice calls out. The place goes silent, and everyone's attention is directed towards us. "There you two are! Funny thing, I was just thinking about you star crossed lovers!" Doonga walks over to us, and the pub soon returns to its usual loudness.

"We are not star crossed lovers, Doonga," I lie.

He clears his throat with a grin, and points down at our fingers intertwined.

"She was getting some weird looks," Anakin almost shouts over the noise. "I wouldn't anyone taking her." He gives a discreet wink.

The alien chuckles, "ah, too true, my friend, too true!" He scratches the back of his head, "so what're you two doing here? And so soon!"

"Is there a place we could... Talk in private?" Anakin tilts his head.

"Oh yes, my friend," a grin reappears onto the mans face, "follow me." He spins around on his heel, and walks towards an entrance. Anakin is still gripping my hand as we enter a corridor. We continue down the hall until we reach a metal door. Doonga punches some numbers in on a keypad, and the door slides up. "Come on in," he gestures for us to enter.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now