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I wake up startled by my comlink. Before I answer it, I jump out of bed so whoever is calling doesn't see Anakin laying next to me.

As I walk out into the hall, I tuck my necklace under my tunic before answering.

Mace Windu appears, "sorry for calling so early, (Y/L/N). But we are requesting your presence immediately."

"So I have to leave," I gulp, "now?"

"Yes. This conversation will go further once you arrive on Coruscant," the Master Jedi decides.

I stand tall, "yes Master Windu. But what about Anakin?"

"Skywalker is needed as well. We have big plans for the both you. Plans I can assure will please you," Windu smiles.

"Thank you, Master Windu," I bow.

Before Mace ends the call, he closes with, "may the Force be with you."

I slowly walk back to the room. When I reach it, I find Anakin sitting up, looking left to right.

Relief shows across his face, "you scared me." I give out a nervous laugh. "What's wrong?"

I find my eyes traveling to anywhere but his eyes. His eyes narrow, "(Y/N), what is it?"

"Anakin," I sigh, "the Council wants us back on Coruscant. Now."

Anakin rolls his eyes, "of course they do."

"Master Windu said it was very important, and good as well," I assure him.

As he's putting his tunic on, he says, "I'm sorry they are doing this."

"Don't be," I reply. "Maybe this actually will be better than what we are expecting."

He walks over to me and rubs my shoulders, "nothing is better than being here with you." I smile in response, and put on my robes and boots.

I clip my lightsaber onto my belt, "let's go."


We finally land on Coruscant, and signal a speeder to the Temple.

As we walk into the Council Chamber, Obi Wan shoots a look of disapproval. Do they know? Anakin and I position ourselves in front of the three Council members.

"Skywalker, (Y/L/N)," Mace greets us.

"Hello, Master Windu," I bow.

"We found a suspect on Naboo for the drug hustling case, but we didn't have enough evidence to put it through," Anakin informs the Master Jedi.

Yoda sighs, "worry about it, do not. More important things, there are." I study the Chambers, and I realize it is only Yoda, Obi Wan, and Mace present. How come the other council members aren't here?

Yoda taps his cane on the floor, "confusion I sense in you, young (Y/L/N)."

"Where are the other members?" I question.

"Hmm," Yoda hums. "Good, that question is." A grin appears across the green aliens face, "speak in private, Master Windu, Kenobi and I wanted."

Obi Wan chimes in, "and what exactly would that be, Master Yoda?" He says it as if it were to update us rather than him.

"Well, for starters, we are permitting Skywalker for the Trials," Windu started. "If he succeeds, we will appoint him general of a clone squadron." I look to Anakin, who's face is lit up, and to Obi Wan, who is furrowing his brows in shock. It's like he didn't know about their decision...

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