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Last night, Anakin told me I was crazy and just dreaming. I just agreed with him and went back to bed.

Now, I walk in the halls of the estate. I take an elevator to a large penthouse. It opens to reveal my best friend with a wide smile across her face. "(Y/N)! It has been too long!" Padme takes me in for a hug. "How have things been lately?"

I lean out of the hug, slightly taken back by her surprise, "I am doing just fine. How are you?"

"Better than ever!" she exclaims. "Please, come inside!" I follow the senator into her large common room, taking a seat on the couch. "You have grown so much! And, no, no way! You're a Knight! That old braid of yours is gone."

"Yeah," I murmur, touching where my braid once was. "I haven't seen you since Geonosis."

Padme frowns, "I visited you when you were in a coma. They shooed me out, though. Anakin was with you the whole entire time. Well until he had to leave with Obi-Wan for a mission." I blush to that. Her eyebrow raises, and she smirks. "So, how is Anakin?"

I lose the redness from my cheeks as quickly as I can. "I think he's doing good. I guess." Hopefully that convinced her.

"You think?"

I shrug, "well I haven't really been able to spend any time with him."

Padme rolls her eyes, "I don't believe that."


"I know how you feel about Anakin," she claims. "And I know how he feels about you. You two would make time, no matter what."

I throw my hands up, "oh not this again!"

"Fine, fine," she glares. "We don't have to talk about it." Gosh, she can be annoying sometimes.

"Thank you," I sigh.


Padmé and I talked for hours about just the past year. It was mainly about her, of course, but it was nice to catch up with an old friend.

I enter the training center, and spot Anakin with Von, showing him a technique. Next to them stands a tortuga.

"Who's that?" I mutter to myself.

Anakin must have felt my presence because he spins around, "(Y/N)! I was just showing Von here a little trick."

"Thank you for keeping him busy while I was with Senator Amidala," I thank him.

He shrugs, "we had fun." We stare into our eyes for a moment, until the tortuga clears her throat. "Oh," Anakin blushes. "This is Ahsoka Tano, my Padawan."

Ahsoka reaches out her hand and I shake it, "Skyguy here has told me plenty about you, miss (Y/L/N)." A devious smirk formed. Skyguy, huh? Already a nickname. Interesting.

I laugh, "I bet he has." Turning myself to Von, I greet him. "Hello, Von."

"Master," he stands tense.

"Why are you so nervous?" I inquire. "What did he do?" I ask as I turn back to Anakin.

Anakin grins, "besides almost blowing the building up, he's behaved himself." As I am about to scold Von, Anakin says more. "It wasn't necessarily his fault. We will talk about it later."

Ahsoka nudges Anakin. "And there will be a later," she says in a hushed voice. Probably not for me to hear, but oh I heard it.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now