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We arrived to the Naberrie's. Anakin sighed, and gripped the steering wheel of the speeder.

"I'm leaving," he blurted.

I turn to him, in shock, "your... What?"

"You pick up Padmé and take her back to the lake house," he wouldn't look at me. "Finish the mission."

"No, Anakin," I croaked out, tears forming.

He looked at me with determined eyes, "I'm not a kid, (Y/N). You cannot tell me what to do."

I shook my head, "please, Anakin. Let me come with you. Where are you going?"

"I can't tell you that," Anakin blinked. "You'll just come after me."

I wiped away tears, "then after you leave? What happens then?"

"I don't know. I will probably be in big trouble for abandoning the mission," he chewed on the inside of his cheek.

"Well," I said as I got out of the speeder, "I don't like you doing this. But whatever this is must be important."

He followed me, "thank you, (Y/N). For understanding." Anakin walked me up to the door. Did he really think I was just going to let him leave?

As I lifted my fist up, about to knock, Anakin said, "I will be back. I promise." He kissed my cheek, and a single tear rolled down his face. I didn't say a thing. All I did was turn around and knock.

Padmé opened the door, "hello, (Y/N)."

I took her bags from her, "hello, M'lady. We --" I turn around to see that Anakin was gone.

"Where's Anakin?" She asked. The ghost of his lips still burned on my cheek.

I stood there, looking back at where Anakin once stood. "He's uh -- running an errand." Honestly, I didn't want to explain everything to Padmé right now. I needed to find Anakin.

"Okay," she smiled. "Let's get going." I put her luggage in the back of the speeder, and hopped into the drivers seat. As I sensed Anakin once being where I now sat, more tears began to form. Padmé looked at me with concern, but I never returned a glance. We drive to an intersection. I turn left.

"Uh," Padmé pointed in the opposite direction, "we had to go that way."

I look at her, "Anakin is leaving Naboo. To go where, I don't know. I'm going to find him."

"(Y/N), he could be gone already! We can't go on this wild bantha chase!" She furrowed her brows.

I didn't say anything to her. Anakin promised me he would be back. Whenever someone says that, I take it with a grain assault. My father said he would be back, but he never did. Master Argus said he would be back from Endor, and he never returned. Intesd, he turned against the Jedi Order. Me. And now, Anakin. He's promising me he will return, but how do I know that he will? I'm not letting him get away. I can't lose another person.

As we approach a hangar, I spot a Naboo star ship, being prepped for take off.

"Where's that ship heading?" I nod in the direction of the star ship.

A guard looks at me up and down, "Tatooine. Is he some criminal or somethin'?" Anakin is going back for his mother.

"What? No," I shake my head and park.

As I get out, Padmé stays in the speeder. "C'mon," I tell her.

She looks at me, shaking her head. "No, (Y/N). You're supposed to be protecting me, not Anakin."

"And Anakin is supposed to be protecting you too. So we are going to him so he doesn't get in any trouble. Plus you said you don't like the idea of hiding, so now we are getting out of this place," I defend. She sighs and gets out of the speeder. I grab her bags, and tell her to follow my every move.

As we move closer to Anakin's ship, I see him walk up the ramp. He must be taking off any moment. The engines roar to life. Now. I scurry up the ramp, Padmé trailing. We enter a storage closet.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Padmé whispers. I laugh quietly, hoping Anakin won't hear us.


I wake up to Anakin standing above me, arms crossed. "How --"

"I can sense you," he glared.

I stand up and brush off my cloak, "Anakin, I'm sorry. I couldn't let you leave alone." He uncrossed his arms and stared at me for a minute. Then he pulled me into a hug. I rest my chin on his shoulder, and his on my head.

"I didn't want to lose you," I whisper.

He squeezes tighter, "I would never leave you, (Y/N)."

"He found us," Padmé groaned. Anakin and I quickly stepped away from each other. The Senator eyed us.

I looked up at Anakin, "you're going to find your mother, aren't you?"

He gulped. "I had dreams about her. I saw her as clearly as I see you now. She was... Dying."

"It was only a dream, Anakin," Padmé said.

Anakin glared at her. "It was not a dream. My mother is dying!" He walked away from the closet and to the cockpit. I followed.

"I don't know what is with her comments lately," I tell Anakin.

He takes a deep breath in and smiles, "like you said, Jedi do not worry about these things." I nod in reply, and let Anakin exit out of light speed.

"How come you didn't come find us when we snuck on?" I ask.

He turns to look at me, "I did. But you were asleep. You looked so peaceful so I didn't bother you."

"I'm not a peaceful sleeper," I laugh and walk over to the seat Anakin's sitting on. I rest my hand on his shoulder.

Padmé walks in. "Okay, what's going on between you two? I know it wasn't politics, I just didn't want to get in an argument at the table."

Neither Anakin nor I turn to look at her. "Nothing," I say.

She sits down in to co-pilots seat and stares at us. I look at her and quickly let my gaze go back to space. We finally exit lightspeed, and I spot Tatooine. Anakin approaches the planet, and once we enter the atmosphere, he begins to gently set us down. So this is Tatooine, huh.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now