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The heel of my boots clicking softly against the tile, my heart pounds against my chest for what will happen after I enter the door only feet in front of me. Once I reach it, I exhale deeply, calming myself, then push it open, two red guards dropping their staffs in front of me. "I am here to see the chancellor," I argue, thinking that would change their current position. But they stood still, saying nothing.

"Let her in," demanded a weary voice, followed by the entrance of an old man. Chancellor Palpatine.

The guards brought their staffs back up, in sync with each other. I found it rather odd how on cue they were. "Greetings, chancellor," I step into the politicians office.

"It is good to see you, (Y/N)," he replied with an eery smile. Sitting down in his great chair, he extended a hand forward, "sit down, get comfortable. Luckily, I have cleared all further appointments for the day, so we will have to interruptions to talk."

Sitting myself down in the red chair across from his desk, I smiled with gratitude. "Thank you, chancellor, but I only have a few matters to discuss with you. Shouldn't be long."

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, clasping his hands on his desk, "ah, but there is much I have to talk to you about." Leaning forward the slightest, as if sharing a secret, he says, "important things that cannot wait." The chancellor sat back in his chair, crossing his legs.

"Oh," I nod, not sure of what to expect. Nervous, I chew on the inside of my cheek, praying for the time to come when this meeting is over.

"Well you first, of course," Palpatine offers, his gaze sticking on me.

Getting my thoughts straight, I start, "the first matter is of Anakin. He trusts you, and I ask a simple favor: you convince him not to worry about the worst."

Palpatine narrows his eyes, studying me, "why would you want that? Of course being his wife and all you care about him, but couldn't you convince him yourself?"

"What did you say?" I ask, my mouth dry.

The chancellor furrows his eyebrows, "you two are married, aren't you? I believe it has been about two years, now."

I look away from the chancellor, completely distraught that Anakin would tell him. Of course, that's how he knew. How else would he get this information? Dooku knew, but . . .


"Don't blame Anakin, dear," Palpatine cut me off casually, as if reading my mind. "He didn't tell me a thing." Giving me a straight expression, he continues, "I'm the chancellor, from the Naboo system. Don't you think I know the priests? I can find out whatever I want. And must I say, I am quite happy for the two of you."

Anger begins to boil in my blood. "You aren't supposed to know that. No one should." Standing up, I point a finger at him, "there is so much you are not telling me. Anakin. The Jedi Council. The galaxy."

Palpatine glances over at his guards, "leave us." The men in red shuffle out the door, leaving Palpatine and I alone. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?"

"Because I know there is something going on," I scoff, scrunching my nose.

He chuckles, "you are overthinking this. I am no bad man. Truly, I am happy to be friends with Anakin, and with you. It has been an honor to be ruling this galaxy."

"You're a separatist," I say sharply, clenching my jaw. Already regretting it, I step back slightly, afraid of what Palpatine may be able to to.

Just as he is about to speak, an assistant of his bursts through the door. "Chancellor, it is time to get ready for the opera tonight."

"That is tonight?" Palpatine asks, very upset.


He looks at me, fury in his eyes, "I'll be there in a moment. Inform the council that I request the presence of Anakin Skywalker, will you?"

"Yes, Chancellor," the assistant bowed and scurried out of the room.

"You have crossed a line, (Y/N)," Palpatine bellowed, getting up out of his chair.


As I look at myself in the mirror, I realize all of the wearing down the war has brought me. My eyes have bags under them, my body slouches. But the most noticeable difference is my stomach. The baby was 6 months now, and I was barely able to keep getting my tunic resized. Somehow, I had convinced the council for my legion to take a break. That left battle out of the way, but my baby bump was as big as ever. Placing my hand on it, I begin to fear what the future holds. What if Anakin's visions are right? What if I do die, leaving him and the child alone? Or worse, if the child dies with me.

Two hands are set gently at my waist, and Anakin's lips press softly against my jaw. "The Chancellor is wanting to speak to me about some things tonight, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," my voice cracks, causing Anakin to look at me in the mirror with worry.

"You are so beautiful," he points out, moving his hands onto my belly.

I turn around so I am facing him, so I can look at him with my eyes. "Palpatine knows about our marriage."

"What?" Anakin spats, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I spoke to him earlier today. He knows, Anakin," I reveal.

Anakin shrugs, "I trust him. Don't worry, (Y/N)."

I decide to keep my accusations to myself, and I set my forehead on his chest. "How is the council?"

He gulps, "they've put me on it." But instead of joy, he carries sorrow.

"You don't seem happy about that, love," I notice, taking his hand into mine.

Anakin exhales, frustration growing, "they did not entitle me master. How ridiculous of them to—"

"Anakin," I stop him. "Please don't start. Just hold me. No arguments, just our love."

With that, he pulls me closer, and holds me tight. I feel his anger dissipating, and his tranquility slowly return. If only it were that easy all the time.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now