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Yoda walks into the medical room. I look for others, but he's alone.

"Glad you are okay, I am," Yoda hobbles next to my bed.

I smile, "glad I'm alive."

"Got away, Dooku has," the green alien frowns.

I frown too, "it is my fault, Master Yoda. I should of never initiated a fight when I wasn't ready."

Yoda shakes his head, "Very skilled, Dooku is. Ready you were. More experience, your opponent has."

"Thank you, Master Yoda," I thank him. "Where's Skywalker?"

"On Kamino with Obi Wan, young Skywalker is," he walked over to a chair and plumped himself on it. "Watch your relationship with him, you must."

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Very close friends you too are. In the way of duties, your friendship may get," Yoda taps his cane against the chair. "But, good partners, you are."

I smile, "Anakin and I understand what comes first. And I too agree: we are a good team."

Yoda nods, and scoots himself off the chair, "inform Kenobi of your awakening, I will. Rest, you must."

"Thank you, Yoda," I bow my head. "Good bye." The little green alien smiles, and exists the room. I let the heaviness of my eyes take over me, and soon I am drifting into sleep.


"Miss, you have visitors," the medical droid repeats.

I squint, readjusting to the light. "Let them in."

"Hello, (Y/N)," a comforting voice speaks.

"Obi Wan!" I greet the Jedi.

He smiles in return, "great to see you healthy."

I nod my head, "same to you. How's Anakin?"

"He's a little upset over his arm, but he's getting used to it," he shrugs.

"Where is he?" I ask.

Obi Wan lifts up his hand and thumbs behind him, "in the hall. Would you like to see him?"

I nod, and he goes out into the hall. Anakin walks in with anything but a smile.

"Hey there," I say with a bit of enthusiasm to cheer him up.

"Hello," he mumbles. I notice he's keeping his hands behind his back.

I furrow my eyebrows, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he sighs.

I raise an eyebrow, "I don't believe that."

Anakin pulls his hand out from behind his back. It was now metal. He'd been given a prosthetic. "Anakin," I mutter.

"Yea I know," he bolts his arm away from my view.

"It's not a bad thing," I encourage him. "I like it."

"why?" He glares.

"Shows how strong you are," I offer a warm smile. "It gives you another story to talk about."

"Oh yes, because everyone wants to hear how I lost in a battle," he hisses.

I raise my voice, "I'm trying to help!"

"I don't want it," Anakin scoffs and storms out of the room. My hands reach up for my eyes, and I press them shut.

"Don't worry about him," Obi Wan walks in. "There's something I need to talk to you about." I open my eyes, showing I'm listening.

He sits down in the chair Yoda was once sitting in. "It's about you and Anakin."

I roll my eyes, "Yoda already talked to me about it. Don't waste your time."

"No," he shakes his head. "Yoda spoke to you about your friendship. I believe it's much more than that."

I try my hardest to keep my face from going pale. "What are you saying, Kenobi?" I spat.

He gives out a small laugh. "Don't get too worried now. I see how you and Anakin act around each other. Look at each other." Obi Wan floats a ball on the side table next to him, "even his comment, back at Padmé's apartment." My thoughts trail back to when he said he'd much rather be dreaming about me. I try too act as if I don't care, even though my heart flutters at the flow of memories.

"Anakin knows better," I suggest.

He sets the ball back down on the table. "No, he doesn't. (Y/N), I'm not suggesting there actually is something going on between you two. But if there is, it needs to stop. If I must, I will report to the Council if I find out anything." I nod, annoyed. Obi Wan understands my frustration with him, so he gets up and leave the room.


I lay in that bed for another week. Denying any food tray they offer me. When they'd ask if a visitor could come see me, I asked who it was. Never was it Anakin, so I told the droid I didn't want visitors.

A Jedi walked in. This was the first organic being I've seen for what seemed like forever. I stared at his robes, longing for it to be Anakin. But his robes weren't as dark as his.

The hooded figure pulled its hood off, revealing its face. "(Y/N)."

"Who – who are you?" I question.

"That's not important right now," he says waving his hand around. "We need to get you out of this place."

I don't hesitate, and start pulling the sensors off my body and tubes out of my arms. "You don't need to tell me twice."

The man laughs. As I get out of the bed, I study him. He is very handsome. His brown eyes, scruffy dark brown hair. He was an inch or so taller than Anakin, more muscular too, and stood tall with pride.

Anakin. What am I thinking? I love Anakin, and when you love someone you don't go looking at other people this way.

I shake the thought of this man out of my head, "let's go."

"Yes," he reaches his arm out towards the door. "Something appears to be bothering you."

I shrug, "eh, it's nothing important." We walk out of the room, and I feel a sharp pain coming from my shoulder. For the most part, my back doesn't hurt, but my shoulder is still very sore. I sigh in frustration.

"It's important enough to bother you," he argued.

I glared at him as we walked down the corridors, "who are you?" I spoke with a stern voice, to tell him I wanted answers.

"Don't you remember?" The man stops. "It's Gabriel. Gabriel Toutney."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now