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"Gabriel?" I question in shock. "From the Academy?"

Gabriel smiles, "you're right." Memories of the meadow in Naboo rush back to me. When I told Anakin about my big crush on Gabriel. But I loved Anakin, not Gabriel.

I realize he has no Padawan braid. "And you're a Knight?" I ask in awe.

He stands with pride, "yes M'lady."

"Don't get too formal," I joke.

"I only do that for the most beautiful ladies," he smirks. I laugh, and continue walking down the hall. Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I find myself blushing at his comment. As I push the feeling aside, I sense Gabriel catching up with me.

"Did you hear about Skywalker?" Gabriel asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, "no. What happened?"

"Well," he sighed, "he apparently had this total meltdown. Something about not given a chance to do the Trials." Gabriel looks down to me, "you two are good friends, right?"

"You have no idea," I mumble.

"What's that?" Gabriel inquires.

I speak up, "oh I just said yeah." He nods and we continue our way back to the Temple.

Sorry it's so short! This was going to be shorter to

1) add suspense

2)this is just to introduce Gabriel

3) I didn't want to put to much time into this event

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