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These past two months, I've become a Jedi Knight. During my make shift ceremony, I looked for Anakin, but only spotted Obi Wan, Gabriel, and Yoda. The Grand Master Jedi felt it was necessary for a celebration of my achievement.

I see Anakin in the Temple every now and then, but he still ignores me. I've given up trying to talk to him, because he won't. It's ridiculous, because I've done nothing. Honestly, I should be the one ignoring him. Sure, I've been spending a lot of time with Gabriel, but only because I've been lonely. Gabriel has, from what it seemed like, tried to kiss me. He would lean in and I would walk away, and he would always make up some stupid excuse. "There was something in your eye" or "you had food in you teeth." My personal favorite was "I wanted to smell your hair."

Now, I walk along the halls of the apartment building. Months ago on this day, I met Anakin and Obi Wan in this very building. I reach the apartment I was looking for. As I knock, I immediately regret coming.

The door opens. "(Y/N)," Anakin frowns.

"Can I come in?" I question.

"Uh," he looks back into his room, "sure." He opens the door wider, and I walk in.

"What's wrong?" is what I start with.

Anakin lets out half a word, but I interrupt him. "You know, I told you I love you. It wasn't a lie," I sit down on his couch. "I'm hurt, and you act like... Like a jerk! And I see you in the Temple, and I've tried to talk to you, but you spin around in the other direction and walk off."

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I just was insecure about my arm and it was painful to see you in there, suffering," he explains.

I shake my head, "I'm insecure about my back. The burns still haven't gone away." I lift my tunic down a bit, revealing a bolt in my shoulder, "I can't change this either."

Anakin's eyes suddenly change from annoyance to empathy. "I didn't know."

"I would of been in that room waiting for you to wake up. With you every second you were awake." I stand up.

"I didn't know, (Y/N)!" He repeats, louder.

"Yea," I snort, "but I did. I knew you were in pain. I knew what happened. I knew you were scared. Sad. Afraid. I knew I loved you. And now I'm not sure if you love me back." A tear rolls down my cheek as I storm out of his room. As he calls for me, I keep walking. Not once do I look back.


As I sit in the lobby of the apartment building, a familiar voice speaks, "so who's that guy you've been hanging around?"

"Just an old friend," I tell Anakin. Why is he here?

He sits down across from me. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really am, and I need you to believe me."

I pause for a moment, contemplating on what to say. "Why? Why did you never come and see me once?"

"I couldn't bear it," he sighed. "It was selfish of me, but I couldn't do it. Then after our argument I was embarrassed of how I acted. Honestly, I though you didn't want anything to do with me from that point."

"But I love you," I admit once again.

A smile spreads across his lips, "I know."

"How about we just... Forget about this? I mean, we already settled it: you were being a jerk while I was all alone," I joke.

He laughs, "whatever you say." We hold each other's gaze for a few moments.

"Well," he interrupts our staring, "so who is that guy?"

I shrug, "I told you, and old friend."

"Pretty good looking too," he raises an eyebrow.

I wave my hand, "oh come on! If you think Gabriel and I–"

"Him!" Anakin gasps. "That guy from the Academy you had a crush on!" He shakes his head, mumbling to himself, "shoulda knew, shoulda knew..."

"How about we go back to your apartment and talk... You know, not around everyone?" I suggest. He nods and leads me to his room. Once we get there, I take a seat on the edge of his bed and he sits next to me.

"You know, I don't care about this Gabriel guy," Anakin admits. "So I heard you passed your Trials. I am very proud of you." The way Anakin said it, was with slight cringe, as if he was jealous.

"I was glad you could come to my ceremony," I glare.

He frowns, "I wouldn't of missed it for the world, but I thought you were upset with me."

"I wouldn't start the ceremony until you showed up, then Obi Wan told me you weren't going to come. As I was being praised by Yoda, I kept my eyes on the door, hoping for you," I offered a sad smile.

Anakin shook his head, "I wish I never missed it. How terrible am I?"

"Very," I joke. He laughs, and takes me in his arms, holding me tight.

"Can we go back to Naboo?" I look up to him.

He looks back down, "whatever you want."

"I just," I sigh, "want to go back to the meadow. Where there is no worries, or war. Just our love."

"Then let's go."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now