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I sit in my bed, using the Force to levitate the objects in the room. I've never had so many things in a room I call my own. Normally, there's a bed, my tunics folded neatly on the floor, toilet, and a shower. But here, I had all of that, plus nightstands, chairs, a trunk in front my bed, drawers, and a much more elegant bathroom with more than just a shower and toilet. There was a marble sink, and a bathtub. All of my clothes were inside the drawers.

I have a weird sensation of someone watching me. I crane my neck up and look outside the window, but there are only trees, and the lake.

I turn around to see Anakin leaning against the door frame, smiling.

"Sorry to bother you," he said while still keeping his smile.

I shake my head. "You didn't bother me. What's with all the smiling?"

"I'm in love," he said, his eyes sparking in the sunlight. "I am so in love, with you."

I try to conceal the heat rushing to my cheeks by looking down at my hands.

"And I don't care who knows it." He grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed, and we run across the halls out to the balcony, where the sun is just setting over the lake.

He cupped his hands around his mouth, and shouted so the whole galaxy could hear, "I'm in love!" Anakin turned to me, and took my face in my hands, "I'm in love with a beautiful woman named (Y/N)." Slowly, he leaned closer to me, and soon, our lips crashed together. I let this one linger on for a minute, until slowly taking my lips off his. I let my forehead rest against his. He spoke softly, "and if she doesn't love me back, then that's okay. Because her existence is all I need."


We sat beside the fireplace, staring into the flickering flames. You could here the popping and cracking of the burning wood, as well as the smell of the firewood burning. The heat radiated softly against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

Anakin noticed me shaking, "are you cold?"

"Y-yes." Even though the fire was going, it was still oddly cold. It could have been my imagination.

He laughed, "but its warm outside. Are you okay? You might be getting sick."

"I don't know," I shrugged. "But I do know that I'm cold." I look down at myself, and realize I left my robes in my room.

"Here," Anakin begins to take off his robe.

I gesture for him to stop, "no thank you, Anakin. That's sweet of you, but I will just go change into my other tunic for bed."

"Bed already?" he whined.

I laugh, shaking my head, "I'll be gone for a minute." I get up, and walk to my room. But slowly. As I examine the tall ceilings of the lake house, the elegant sand-colored marble covering the walls, and the massive lamps hanging from the ceiling, I try to wrap my mind around how someone could build this. Only mother nature herself could make something this beautiful. I stop. How have I been thinking a person could not make beauty? Ever since my father passed, I saw everything differently. If something was beautiful, I convinced myself it really wasn't, because only mother nature could make something like that. But as I stand in these glorious halls, I realize not everything in this galaxy is corrupt, or evil. It only is if I choose to see it that way. And Anakin helped me see it differently.

I smile in amazement, and rush to my room. Throwing off my clothes, I grab my night tunic and trousers and pull them over my head and legs. I leave my feet bare, though. As I step through the halls again, I feel the icy cold ground, and embrace it. Warmth swarms my body, and I realize I've been cold ever since my father died. Only Anakin could make me feel differently. Take the coldness away. And I love him for that. But do I love him, or the things he has done? I still have many questions about Anakin and I that have yet to be answered. It is all going too fast for me.

I walk back into the sitting area where Anakin sits with his eyes closed. I grab the blanket laying on the arm of the couch and put it on him.

He opens his eyes. "I'm sorry," I frown.

"I was resting my eyes. They are tired," he smiled. Anakin looks down at my feet, and laughs. "I thought you hated not wearing at least socks."

"I changed my mind," I said, and sat myself next to him.

He tilts his head. "Why's that?"

"You," I stroke my hand through his hair. It is very soft and warm.

He gives me an odd look, "I made you not wear socks?"

I give out a small laugh. "No, Anakin. You made me realize something."

"And what would that be?" He said with a wide grin.

"I need to enjoy the beauty of this galaxy." I stretch my arms out. "You've showed me the greatness in everything."

His eyes widen, and sparkle once more. "Only because I've seen the greatness in you."


I hear screaming. Anakin. My heart is pounding as I rush to his room. What if it was the bounty hunter from Coruscant? Or some cold-blooded murderer? I open the door quickly, to see nobody, but Anakin in his bed. There is sweat all along his forehead and chest. His chest moves quickly up and down.

"No, no, no. Mom, no!" he yells. I rush over to his side and grab his hand. At my touch, his eyes shoot open, and he gasps for air. He looks at me with tears in his eyes.

I stroke his cheek, "you were having a nightmare."

"No," he shook his head. "Jedi don't have nightmares."

"I do," I admit.

His hand reaches for his cheek and grasps my hand. "They are only dreams."

I frown.

"Please, don't do that," Anakin furrows his eyebrows.

I tilt my head, "don't do what?"

"Look sad. It makes me sad," his thumb rubbed my hand.

I laughed, "but I'm only sad because you're sad."

He rolls his eyes, "you confuse me."

"As I've heard."


I sat in a chair next to Anakin's bed. He asked me if I wanted to lay next to him, but it seemed uncomfortable for me. I couldn't sleep in the chair, but he sure did sleep. It was so peaceful, to watch him sleep. Sure, that sounds very... stalkerish. But hey, what else am I supposed to do? Throw a party while he's sleeping?

Anakin lay on his back, and I try to match his breaths with mine. As I watch the rise and fall of his chest, it occurrs to me that he is shirtless. Not that I cared, but I've never really seen a man without a shirt on. Besides my father of course.


I watch out the window as the sun comes up, and I walk out of Anakin's room and into the kitchen. Looking through the cabinets, I find an oat thingie meal. I prepare one for Anakin and I, and go out to the balcony to meditate.

About 10 minutes later, I sense him behind me.

"Hello," I greet him.

I could sense him smile. "Good morning. I'll leave so you can meditate."

"No," I say calmly. "Your presence is soothing." Anakin stands there for a moment, staring at me.

"You didn't sleep last night, did you?" I sensed his disappointment. As I take a deep breath in, I slip out of the trance and turn around to face Anakin.

"Why are you disappointed?" I ask him.

He furrows his eyebrows, "that you stayed in my room all night making sure I was okay. I wish you could've slept."

"Once I'm up," I laugh, "I'm up." Anakin laughs and shakes his head. "But no, I did not get any sleep last night," I answer his initial question. He frowns. "Please don't do that," I jokingly warn.

"I wouldn't dare upset you," he grinned.

I raise an eyebrow, "that sounds like a challenge." He opens his mouth to shoot back with some witty comment, I bet, but I speak instead. "Just come and eat your breakfast."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now