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I close the door behind me. I had no idea where I was, because it was so pitch black. As I stumble around for a light source, I get a sense of my surroundings. I'm in a place somewhat like a garage, yet with a less oily smell. Finally, I find the light and switch it on. In the room is a speeder that clearly doesn't work anymore, a few tools hanging on the wall, and a cabinet.

I leave the garage, realizing there's no need for me to be in there. As I sit myself down in the Naberrie's sitting area, I close my eyes and ponder on Padmé's bold claim. How dare she say that? Padmé was one of my closest peers, I could tell her almost anything, but now I'm so fed up with her she deserves to hear nothing from me. I feel a familiar, comforting presence.

"Hello, Anakin," I greet the Jedi.

He sits down next to me, "I'm sorry about Padmé. She really shouldn't have said --"

I interrupt him, "I don't care, Anakin. Padmé can say what she wants, but I'm a Jedi." I take a deep breath in and swell with pride. "Jedi do not stress over these things. It is grief and anger."

After a minute, I realize his gaze. I open my eyes, and find him smiling.

"You smile a lot," I tell him, returning a smile.

"I know," he says and takes my hand. "Let's get out of here."

"Anakin, we can't just leave," I reply.

He shrugs, "why not? Surely they would understand. I mean, Padmé did just insult you."

I clench my other hand into a fist and squeeze tight. Anakin realized my anger, and stood up. "Really though, (Y/N). We should leave."

I nod, and get up. I don't want to talk. All I want to do is to curl up against Anakin and let his arms protect me from all the bad things in the galaxy. We walk into the dining room and Anakin lets go if my hand.

"Jobal, Ruwee, Sola, it has been very nice to meet all of you, but I believe it best we leave," Anakin tells everyone sitting at the table.

Jobal looks embarrassed, "oh, uh, yes. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). It was a pleasure to meet you."

"Not as great as meeting you!" I kiss her butt. Padmé's cheeks were pink with embarrassment.

I turn to her, "M'lady, we will come and retrieve you and your things in the morning. We have a job to do, and as nice as this is, you are potentially putting a target on your home."

"Well," Padmé sighs, "if I must leave, I will."

"Ok. We will pick you up first thing in the morning."


We say goodbye to the rest of Padmé's family, and head back to the lake house.


I tell Anakin I want to be alone for a bit. He refuses, but I insist I need to be alone.

"(Y/N)?" Anakin walks out onto the balcony. It seems I choose to spend most my time here.

I keep my eyes on the lake. "Yes, Anakin?"

He sighs, "Padmé really shouldn't have said that. It was an immature thing to say."

"Don't apologize for her," I tell him.

Anakin walked up behind me and ever so gently stroked my back, "what's wrong."

I turn my head so Anakin is barely visible. "Nothing." I hated lying to Anakin.

He sighed, "really, (Y/N). I sense conflict in you. What's the matter?"

I turn my gaze back towards the lake. I might as well tell him the truth. "Padmé. My visions. You."

His hand stops stroking my back, "we can talk about those other things later. But... Me?"

"Yes, Anakin," I wheel my body around so I'm facing him. "This doesn't seem right. I barely know you, Anakin. We barely know each other."

"I know us," Anakin takes my hand. For some reason, I flinch and take my hand away.

I shake my head, "I don't."

Hurt by me rejecting him, he speaks softly, "the Force has never been wrong. Not even once. When I look at you, it tells me you are the one, (Y/N)."

I look away from him, and down at my feet instead.

Anakin tries to take my hand, and this time I let him. "How come you never told me about this? We've been here for almost a week, and you've allowed us to be... Us."

I sigh, "it just doesn't feel right, Anakin. But at the same time, it feels right."

"When I kissed you," Anakin started, "did it feel wrong?"

"I -- I don't know, Anakin --" I was interrupted by Anakin's lips crashing into mine. My hand reached for the back of his neck, and Anakin's hand rested against my cheek. It went from a soft kiss, to a passionate one. The kiss probably would've never ended if my comlink never went off.

"It's the council," I say out of breath, my forehead resting against Anakin's. I rubbed the back of his neck, and walked into the house. Pressing accept to the call, Mace Windu appeared.

He sat in his chair, "hello, (Y/L/N). How is the mission going."

"It is going great. Padmé, Anakin, and I are staying at a remote lake house," I lied.

"That is great to hear. Is the Senator doing fine?" Mace rose an eyebrow.

I nodded, "she is doing fine. Actually, she is at her family's mansion at the moment."

The Master Jedi's eyes widened. "You're not with her?!"

"No, no, Master Windu, we were with her moments ago. It was her orders to leave her with her family. I promise you, she is safe," I insisted.

"If something happens, you and Skywalker are responsible and could lead to major consequences. Understood?" He scolded.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Well," Master Windu started, "it was good speaking with you." His holographic self eventually faded out. Anakin walked into the room.

"What'd he want?" He asks disappointed.

I turned to face him. "To see how the mission is going." Anakin nodded and slowly leaned in for another kiss.

As our lips were about to touch, I whispered, "it does feel right." He smiled and put his lips on mine.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now