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"My, my, how wonderful it is to see your beautiful face," my husband says boastfully. "I am the luckiest man alive."

I turn from the balcony to Anakin. "Oh, you're such a flirt." A mischievous grin comes to his face.

"How was your mission?" he leans against the archway of our apartment.

I turn back towards the dark skyline, "Von didn't listen to me. Again. My squad got into another argument. Again." Facing back towards him, I smirk, "How do you do it, General Skywalker?" A little bit of sarcasm comes off of general.

"Finally you noticed," he rolled his eyes. I study his hair once more, darker and longer. Not to mention, no longer sporting a braid. "It's been eight months and when I see you the first thing you realize is my lips."

"I realized more than that, my love," I say, taking a few steps towards him. "I noticed your new armor, how dark your hair has become. That braid you hated so much is finally gone. And you've become much more arrogant." My smirk widens, and he rolls his eyes.

"Finally?" He raises an eyebrow. "You didn't like my braid?"

I take a few more steps, now only inches away from him. "No, I liked it. Actually, it made you look cute." His face became red. "But cute is for a little boy, Anakin. You are now a man. A Knight. General. Handsome." Craning my neck up, I slowly peck him on the lips, and wrap my arms around him.

"I've missed you, so, so much," Anakin cups my face in his hands.

I lean my forehead against his chest, "eight months without you. I died each day."

"But now, we are once again together," he takes my head and moves it back, so I look into his eyes.

I frown, "but to once again be separated."

"Do not say that. Never are we apart," he says, taking his necklace from under his tunic. "As long as I have this, you will forever be with me."

I take mine out, and examine it. It has become slightly dirty. Surprisingly, not that dirty for how many battles I've fought with it on. Setting it back under my tunic, I look up at him, eyes bright. Putting my hand to his cheek, I rub my thumb against it, then I walk over to bed.

As I pull the covers back, Anakin comes to help me. "How has Von been doing lately?"

"Well," I start, "he's definitely improving. That's something, right?"

Anakin smiles, "that's everything." Suddenly, it's as if a lightbulb goes off in his head, "I have something for you." He rushes over to a chest on his side table, and pulls something I cannot make out. Walking over to me, he holds out the object. Looking at it, I realize what it is. His Padawan braid.

I place my hand on top of it, "Anakin."

"This is for you. The only thing a Jedi owns is his pride and his lightsaber. But I own this braid. And now, it is you who owns it," his eyes sparkle.

I take the braided strip of hair, and hold it close to my heart. "Thank you, Anakin." Setting the braid in the chest of my own, i then go lay down in bed. Anakin lays next to me. I cuddle up next to him, resting my head on his chest.

Moments of silence pass before Anakin speaks again. "Have you met my Padawan?"

"Padawan?" I ask in shock. "A Padawan, Anakin, that's amazing." Taking his hand in mine, I squeeze it, "I'm proud of you."

He sucks in a breath of air, keeping it there with pride, "her name is Ahsoka Tano. An excellent apprentice she surely is."

I look up at him with my brow raised. "Her?"

Anakin laughs, "don't worry about Ahsoka. She's young. I only like mature women like you."

"Women or a woman," I question him comically.

Another laugh comes from my husband, "oh, you worry too much. Just sleep. Maybe you will meet her tomorrow."

I roll my eyes, "indeed I will."


A lone figure stands in fear. The figure is younger. A Jedi. No, not a Jedi, but a Padawan learner.

The young apprentice has tan skin. His hair is dark brown, accompanied by a braid that grazes his shoulder.

He shudders as he breathes. The Jedi is stepping away. Away from something. A monster. A menace. Possibly the very evil known as a Sith.

"I beg of your mercy!" The boy pleads. It is Von. Homeless, family-less, nameless Von. His hands tremble as he grips his lightsaber. "Please, I cannot fight such a skilled Jedi as you! It is impossible I will live!"

Then, a sound of a lightsaber being ignited can be heard. Still, the Jedi Von is running from will not respond.

A blue shadow approaches Von.

Tears fall from Von's face, "what have I done? I trusted you! You trusted me! I thought I was your friend!" He ignites his lightsaber. "You taught me to not die without a fight, and that is exactly what I will do!"

Then, only, and only the blade of a blue lightsaber can be seen. It can be seen being brought up for a strike, then rapidly slashing through air, then the young Padawan's lightsaber. He falls back, and continues to crawl backwards.

"No, please, no!" He begs. "No, no, no, n-"

Von's words are cut off from something far worse. The sight of a lightsaber cutting through him, killing him. Von is dead.

I wake up panting. My hands go for my face to cover them. Sweat can be felt all along my forehead. Sitting up, I throw the covers off of me, and walk to the balcony.

As I look over the dark skies of Coruscant, I think about the vision. Who killed him? Was it to be true? Then, I think upon it more. Von said that he trusted this person, and it was a Jedi. Suddenly, it hits me. He said that the person taught him. Was his friend.

Do I kill him? I have a blue lightsaber. I teach him. Numerous times I have told him to never give up without a fight. Is it true? Is it true I kill the closest thing I have to a son? Brother?

A cold, metallic object is set on my bare shoulder. Turning, I realize it is Anakin. "What is it?" he asks.

"A dream," I admit, turning my head back towards the night.

He traces my burn scars on my shoulder with his icy prosthetic finger, "tell me about it."

"Von is murdered," I spit out through grit teeth. It is nearly impossible for me to not burst out into tears this very moment.

Anakin's hand stop, "murdered?" I turn my body to face him, and look at his bare chest. Then, up to his scroungy hair. So much has changed the last I saw him. He was much more muscular, and less scrawny. The way he spoke was with confidence and pride, not whiny. But then, there is also me. I had changed much as well. Normally I was on the skinnier side, but I too had toned up. My hair was longer, and I had matured. Being in this war had changed us. Permanently.

Anakin snaps me out of my thoughts, "(Y/N)?"

"Yes, he was murdered," I answer quickly.

His hand takes mine, "by who?"

I turn back towards the balcony, ripping my hand out of Anakin's in the process. "By me."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now