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I've read a lot of comments and I'm so sorry that I haven't mentioned it before, but this is a Gladion x Fem!Reader. You can still read it regardless of your gender!! :) I never meant to offend anyone by it.

Edit: Changing the pronouns to they/them so it's gender neutral!

Gladion had been walking back and forth impatiently for the 10th time now.

He was waiting for a certain someone. Well he supposed, it was (Name). The person he had a crush on, but wouldn't admit it.

They would meet each other in the Æther Paradies on the top floor. They sure were taking some time. He grew more and more impatient. Later he heard running steps behind him.

(Name) was panting heavily, because she was running. The boy frowned. "What took you so long?" He shook his head, meaning he didn't really want to know. They crossed their arms and pouted. "Well atleast I'm here. So.. What's up?"

Gladion turned around, facing them. His gaze never left their face. Neither was theirs. He sighed in defeat and explained everything about the cause why his mother would plan this, about the Ultrabeasts just everything he wanted to talk about. Well, not everything.

"But why are you telling me this? I mean.. I just helped you out, but I-" He shook his head and reassured them with a smile, meaning it was okay for them to know. They gulped and continued listening to him. While in in their mind, they were going crazy about something.

Eventually the discussion came to an end. He handed them a Pokéball with Type: Null in it and some discs too. "Maybe I'll also challenge the champion. I've heard that they are pretty strong." Gladion said happily.

"You seem happier." (Name) stated teasingly.

He glared at them but soon softened his eyes. They were right. Since that day, his mother was rescued by them, he couldn't stop being happy. He was very grateful for that, but his pride wouldn't let him show that much of it.

"Is that everything you wanted to talk about?" (Name) asked, as they put the discs and Pokéball into the bag. He scratched the back of his neck and thought.

Maybe I can tell them now how much I lik- no. Stop right there, he mentally slapped himself and shook his head as a response for their question. They hummed and raised an eyebrow. "Really? You were just delay-"

"I said nothing." He cut them off, which made them jump in surprise. (Name) sighed and shrugged their shoulders. "Well if you say so. Bye Gladion!" (Name) waved at him with red tinted cheeks and ran to the elevator. He watched their figure slowly disappear. His frown never left his face and he inhaled deeply.

"Why didn't I tell them?" Gladion facepalmed himself.

He would be lying, if he said he wouldn't want to hug (Name) and congratulate them to be the first champion in Alola. Why was he even so affected by them? He did not know either. But everytime when he's around them, he gets nervous.

It was a crazy feeling for him, and he did not accept it. He doesn't let anyone bring his pride down. Especially not (Name), since they won every battle against him several times now.
He was staring blankly at the Pokémon behind the fence and studied, as the Pokémon growled angrily.

"I'm kind of curious if (Name) has a crush on someone." Gladion told to himself and shrugged. "But well whatever."

He got up and went to his room on the level of entrance floor. When he entered his big room, which was clean and neat, he sat on his bed and continued to study about his feelings towards them.

He hasn't been able to think of anything else than her. All that he was thinking about was one particular person named (Name). It really annoyed him to be in love with them.

He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and pulled himself down to the bed.

"Stop thinking about them." Gladion scolded himself and gritted his teeth, as he tried to get to sleep. Just to get them out of the mind some time.

Which worked just fine. He thought.


Hi guys! This is my first English story and it's kinda bad. Well I hope you guys can give me some tips and tricks. Next chapter is up soon.

Who fell over heels in Gladion? Me! :3

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