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Gladion POV

"So.. Where do you think this boy lives?", Hau asked me, while strolling closely behind. Just now we were walking on route 1, along the path way where Iki Town was located.

"Somewhere in Mele-Mele Island", I shrugged and walked a little faster than before. Hau let out a gasp. "You seriously don't know where your employers work? Oh man", he complained, shaking his head in disbelief.

I stopped walking and turned towards him, frowning. "Now tell me, Hau. How should I know every single adress of each employer? The Æther Foundation has over hundreds of workers", I told him and began walking again, a little annoyed.

"Oh..", was the only thing said by the usually enthuastic teen, but he cheered up quickly. "You're right!"

Once the houses of Iki Town were in our sight, we began running towards the town. We stopped infront of an house and began to check out every place until we found the accused one. But unfortunately, we didn't have any success by now. However there was one house left, that we didn't check yet.

Hau knocked on the door and an elderly woman opened it. She blinked her eyes, looking at us and then smiled.

"Alola! Hau and..?", she glanced at me, waiting for me to tell my name. I refused telling her it because we didn't have time for that. "Sorry auntie!", Hau apologized in my place, "But we're looking for a boy who's in the same age as we are. He has black hair and I think.." Hau tapped his chin, thinking back of how I described the boy.

I continued for him, because he was taking way too long to remember. "He has black colored eyes and probably shoulder length hair. The last time I saw him, he had them styled up. Oh and he's also working for the Æther Foundation."

She formed her mouth to an 'o' and looked like she realised something. "Oh! You're talking about Sun (Elio)! He was living with me for a while, but currently lives all by himself in a motel and works very hard at the Æther Foundation. If you're looking for him, then you should check by the motel on route 2. He's probably there right now", she told us with a friendly smile.

Hau gave her an unbelieving look. "W-What!? I didn't even know someone new was living here. Usually we all get informed", Hau said, still not understanding how he didn't notice. The woman shrugged, also not knowing why they didn't get informed by a new habitant.

"Thank you. Excuse us, but we have to go now" I bowed my head, as a gratitude for the trust of hers and started to run to Hauholi City where the entrance to route 2 was. I didn't want to waste more time and let (Name) wait. Hau hesitated but he ran after me, telling me to wait for him.

Somehow, because of the urge of rescuing (Name), I wasn't tired after all this running at all. We made it to route 2 without problems. Hau was exaggerating a little, acting as if he would die. "O-Oxygen..! I need it..!", Hau gasped and fell on his knees dramatically. I rolled my eyes. "Stop acting as if you were going to die. Seriously, are you even taking this serious?"

"The déjà vu!", the blackette said, surprise in his voice, as he ignored my question.

Hau stood up from the ground and brushed off the dirt, that was on his shorts. Then he nodded his head, finally replying to my question. "Yes! Totally! But you just seemed so upset and sad. I wanted to comfort you, but I didn't know hau--!"

"Stop with the puns." I put my face into my hands and let out a deep sigh of defeat, before looking up again. "Thanks Hau, for worrying. Let's just focus on saving (Name)."

Hau gave me a toothy grin, eyes closed and placed his hands behind his arms, while agreeing with me.

Before we continued to head to the direction to the motel, we saw a suspicious figure all in black and he was carrying something on his shoulders. I squinted my eyes at him to get a better look. My whole body started automatically to run after him, when I realised that he was carrying an unconcious (Name).

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