Christmas Special 1

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Hey guys! (o^^o)
This and the next chapters will be specials (two parts) and I hope you guys will like it.

Without further to do; Lets go! 🎅🏼


Your POV

Since there's Christmas in two day, I've decided to just be at home, lay around and do absolutely nothing at all. My mother said she can't celebrate Christmas Eve with me, because she had something to do, at her work. So it'll be me, myself and Meowth. Not to forget; My Pokémon.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, that was laying next to me. I scrolled through my contacts and my eyes landed on Gladion's contact info. I forgot, that he had given me his number, about a week ago. I began to think, how I should start a conversation with him.

Either "Hi Gladion" or maybe like "Hey Gladion!!!". I laughed to myself as I read the messages I wrote.

Then the messages got more absurd. "Heyyoooo G-G-G-Gladiooon. Wazzuup?" I cringe at myself for texting like that and went to press the delete button, laughing, but I accidently pressed enter. I tried to hold in a scream and looked back at my phone, in fear. I swear, I saw my life flash infront of me.

"Arceus please - What did I do to deserve this?", I cry and had the urge to just throw my phone against the wall. I kept reading the text I sent over and facepalmed myself, thinking if there's a way to delete my existence for being so careless.

Me: Heyyoooo G-G-G-Gladiooon. Wazzuup?

My heartbeat stopped, when he read the message. He probably thinks, I'm crazy and actually - that's what I am right now. I inhaled and exhaled quietly and look back at the screen. He was typing and I got more nervous each seconds passed.

Gladion: Hey (Name).

I think my heart fell down my pants. I sweatdropped and replied him back, feeling awkward that I freaked out for nothing serious.

Me: I'm sorry about that message.
Please forget it. I was umm.. I don't know.

Gladion immediatly read it again and typed. I played nervously with my hair and tried to stay still, but I just felt too nervous to even calm down.

Gladion: Alright.

I bit my lip and then scream into a pillow. He was seriously taking two minutes just to type one word with seven letters. I relaxed and decided to chat a little with him about Christmas. But before I could send the message, he beat me to it and send another.

Gladion: I've heard, that you're alone at Christmas Eve. Am I right?

I raised an eyebrow and trailed my finger on the screen, thinking how he found out. I shrugged and replied him back.

Me: Yes. Why are you asking? (๑╹ω╹๑ )

I immediatly regretted that I sent a smiley like that. It was embarrassing and absolutely unnecessary. I don't know why, but I had a feeling, that he was smirking behind the screen.

Gladion: None of your business. I'll go now, bye.

I balled my free fist and gritted my teeths. What a rude boy, telling me none of my business, when he was talking about me. I huffed and texted him back in speed of light.

Me: Just so you know edgylord, don't think you're awesome, just because you answer me like that! Idiot!!

Gladion read my message and replied again, but like, instantly. I widen my eyes, as I read the text over and over again. My face began to heat up and I closed my phone, crossing my arms and try to make myself calm.

I open up my phone again and read the message out loud.

"We'll see who's the idiot tomorrow."

I was thinking what he meant by tomorrow. "Does that mean, he'll come over? That would be the first time, he ever came over to my house and I'll be alone with him too, in a HOUSE. Maybe he isn't even going to come and was joking about it", I whisper-yell and nod to my inner-self.

Somehow, as if he had read my mind, he sent one last message, before he went offline.

Gladion: I'll be coming over.

I was caught off guard by his last message and quietly closed my phone. I cupped my cheeks and try to remain calm, but my face was all heated up, because of the incident from before.

"There's still Meowth and my Pokémon. So I won't be alone with him at all!", I said and smiled, but it soon faded. "Where's Meowth anyway?" I got up and tried to look for the cat Pokémon. But instead, I got a call from my mother. I accepted the call and held the phone against my ear. "Yes mom?"

"Sorry for the sudden call (Name). I just forgot to mention, that Meowth will be coming with me too, and she's already on her way. I'm very sorry, but you have to spend Christmas Eve without us. But we will bring you lots of gifts when we're back. Anyway, I have to go now. Love you (Name) and Merry Christmas!"

After she hung up, I just stood in the middle of the livingroom, speechless. So I am going to be alone with Gladion. But there are still my Pokémon with me. I let out a groan and stretched my body. Since the day is over soon, I headed to my room, went to bed and sleep.

My last thoughts were, what he was planning to do tomorrow. This will be a special Christmas, I can feel it.


Did I already mention, that it will have a second part? I'm planning to do something nice for you fangirls out there. (≧∀≦)

Actually this chapter isn't really Christmas like, but the next will! Stay tuned~

Please tell me, if there's any errors. :)



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