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>> whitesylveon <<


Narrator POV

"Mother!!", Gladion yelled, stomping into the livingroom with a pout. His mother looked up from the book she was reading and pushed her reading glasses up. "Oh? You're awake", she said, walking over to her son, "You still have to call me mommy though."

"Can I atleast call you mom? Mommy is too.. embarrassing", Gladion mumbled and looked on his feet. Lusamine put a hand on her hips. "So I'm embarrassing for you now, huh?" A smile appeared on her face. "Alright. Call me mom then."

He let out a relieving sigh. "Good.. Now, about the pictures on the wall." He began to frown again, but a blush spread over his entire face, "You shouldn't do that without my permission!"

"Remember, I'm your mom. I can do that. I'm just helping you out with (Name)", she told him, flicking his forehead in process. He placed a hand over his forehead. His frown deepened and he looked at her. The serious face was back again. "You don't have to help me. I will plan when I'm going to make her completely mine."

Lusamine tilted her head to the side and smirked. "My son is finally out of his edge-phase.. I'm so proud." She wiped a fake tear away, while he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Mother, I think he's still in his edge-phase. If he wouldn't be, than he's not the Gladion we know", Lillie said, walking into the room and sat on the couch. Lusamine and Gladion stared at her.

"Anyways, where is (Name) and Hau?", Lusamine asked, after minutes of silence. "(Name) left and Hau probably too. It's late after all", Gladion guessed. He folded his arms and turned himself towards the door, glancing over his shoulders.

"I'm going to sleep now. Good night", he said, starting to head out the livingroom. "Wait Gladion", Lusamine began, "We have a royal guest tomorrow. He'll be staying over for 1 week. I hope you can pick him up and show him around Alola."

Gladion just nodded, a little unsure about the meeting tomorrow. Why was a royal visitor coming here anyway? That's what he had to ask his mother tomorrow. Now it was time, to get some sleep.

- The next day -

Your POV

"Ah and that man is really good looking!", Lillie squealed, closely by my ear that were now ringing. I slurped on a soda with my straw, paying attention to Lillies blabber about the royal guest they have over for a week.

"But you have Hau? Why are you gushing all over him?", I asked out of curiousity, finishing off my drink. She leaned back on her seat and looked for something in her bag.

"Just because I'm in a relationship, doesn't mean I can't think this person beautiful." I sighed in defeat, agreeing with her. She then put her cellphone on the table, showing me several pictures of the man. "He's tall and has long green hair. He doesn't really look like a prince. His name however, is quite unique", she explained, wiping through the pictures she took.

"What's his name?", I questioned, slightly tilting my head to the side. She looked at me with pressed lips. "N." - "N like the letter?"
She nodded her head and looked at her phone, receiving a message from someone. "It's Gladion! He's going to stop here with N", she said smiling widely. "I'm going to invite Hau too!" - "Alright, do that. I'll enjoy my malasada~", I sang, biting into the sweet malasada.

After having a discussion about some Pokémon Battle strategies, I got sight of a familiar blonde ahoge (that hair, that sticks up). I pointed at the hair, telling Lillie that Gladion was here. When he heard my voice, he looked at us and slightly waved, but I could tell that he was stressed out. There was a taller man behind him and he looked exactly how Lillie described him. Man, he was handsome. N, I suppose, gave us a friendly smile, while following Gladion who walked over us.

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