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I do realise something now. I only do cliffhangers, because I don't know how else to end the chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating that long. ;;

Btw. I can do MMDs now! If you have any requests than just comment your request. :3


Your POV

Gladion had his eyes closed and his fist chlunched, as his cheeks reddened even more by every second that passed. He let out a deep breath, that he held back seconds ago.

Two minutes were over already, and he didn't say anything yet. He was just eye-closed infront of me, trying to tell me something. It seems like he's too nervous. I could notice, since his hands began shaking, like it used to do in battles.

His body suddenly relaxed and he opened up his eyes again. "I", he began, his expression turned into a serious one. I nod my head, indicating him that he had my full attention.

"I li—"

Suddenly a phone rang and it came out of Gladions pockets. He sighed and replaced the soft gaze with his usual frown. "Lillie is calling me", he said, once he read the name on the screen. "Oh okay", I mumble quietly. He turned into another direction and walked further away to talk with her. I shrugged off the feeling of something weird is happening. When he came back, his expression changed into a surprised and annoyed one.

"What's wrong?", I ask him, while my head was tilted to the side a little. He scratched the back of his neck and closed his eyes. "My mother is coming home", he explained with a sigh. I raised an eyebrow. There's nothing wrong with her coming back, so why did he let out a stressed out sigh?

"That's great! Why are you sighing?", I questioned. My eyes landed on his eyes, that twitched and also his cheeks burned with the color red. "M-My mother wants to invite you to dinner and Hau too", he told me, a rather stuttery respond escaped his mouth. I gaped my mouth open. "Really? Why's that?"

"I guess she wants to apologize and show you her gratitude", he admitted with a shrug. I tapped my chin, thinking about the invitation. "Sure! If you're okay with that."

He folded his arms and shook his head. "If you're okay with that? I don't mind at all. Why would you want my permission?", he asked. I stepped back a little and twiddled my fingers playfully. His awareness rose and he deepened his frown. I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Uh well.. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable", I told him, looking away from his stare. His sharp gaze bore through my body. One wrong move and I'd be dead. "Hmph." He did his signature move. Covering one eye with his hand. "Well, it won't be uncomfortable for me. I would like you to come."

My eyes widened, hearing that coming from him. "Sure! If you like me to come, then I surely will!" I grinned up to my ears, as I grabbed one hand of Gladions, pulling him back to my home, where Hau and Lillie were waiting.

"Woah- Watch out. I almost fell!", Gladion yelled, when I speed up the pace. I looked back, taking a glimpse at a blushing Gladion. What's up with him always blushing? It can't be, that he's sick?

I stopped running just infront of my house, as I ordered him to lean closer to me. He didn't do it. Instead he glared at me, in a flustered way and kept blushing like crazy. "Huh?! Why–" I didn't let him finish the sentence. I pulled him down by the wrist and compared his forehead with mine. I looked into his eyes, while doing that and he pressed his lips tightly together. There wasn't any difference in the temperature.

We heard a click sound next to us. It was Hau with his cellphone, making a photo and Lillie, giggling like a fangirl that just saw her otp having a moment. I stood all red next to Gladion, who calmed down a little.

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