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Enjoy this chapter from another view~
I'm just testing out. Please tell me, if you guys like it better in the second or third person. :)

This is one of my favorite chapters! :)


Your POV

I was laying on the ground, relaxing. I have been so busy lately, so I took a day off as a Champion. The job as a Champion is really tough, never would I have expected something like this before.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the fresh scent of grass. Currently it's summer time in Alola, so that basically means it's the best time to go swim. Actually you can go swim in Alola all the time, because of the high temparatures. But summer is the best season ever!

Grinning to myself, I got up and brushed the dirt off. I called out my Pokémon. All of them let out a cry of happiness. I kneeled down to their level and smiled at them.

"Do you guys wanna go at the beach?", I asked them. All of them jumped excitedly and Primarina of course, nodded happily. I raised my fist up in the air and grinned. "Alright! It's decided. Let's go!!" After calling them back to their balls, I made my way to the beach in Hauholi City.

On my way, I saw a familiar blackette and blondette walking side by side. They didn't notice me, because I was behind them. I sneaked up to them and jumped, attempting to scare them. "Boo!"

Hau got caught off guard, while Gladion just looked at me confused. My main goal was actually to scare Gladion, but it seems like he doesn't have any fears. Or perhaps he does? I'll find it out sooner or later.

"(Name)!! What did I do, to deserve that?", Hau whined. I smiled at the blackette. Atleast I scared Hau. But he's always scared easily, so that's not really a goal.

"You guys are acting like kids", Gladion said out of nowhere. He was frowning at us and crossed his arms. I sticked out my tongue at him. "Or you're just not as cool, as we are. Right Hau?" I looked at Hau who was nodding. We giggled and the annoyed Gladion sighed.

"I don't have to be cool at all, I'm hot already", Gladion said smirking. I rolled my eyes and Hau snickered.

"What? Are you guys making fun of me?" We could definitely hear the pout in his voice. Me and Hau burst out in a laughter, as Gladion just sighed again. When we stopped laughing, Hau looked at me, questioning.

"What are you doing  (Name)? I thought you are in the Pokémon League to battle some Challenger?" Hau asked.

I shook my head and smiled. "I took a day off. It was so hot, I could barely concentrate. I wanted to go the beach now", I explain and wiped away some sweat off my forehead. I glanced to Gladion, who still had his famous frown on.

"Beach? That sounds great. Mind if I join?" Hau had a big grin on his face. Who would say no to that anyway? "Sure. I don't have any problems with that."

Hau then looked at Gladion. "Gladion, do you want to come too?"

The blondette closed his eyes. "Well, I've got nothing to do anyways and I haven't been on the beach for years. That's a yes." Oh. I didn't expect a yes at all. But I'm glad he decided to join.

When we arrived at the beach, there were a lot of people in the water and on the beach. I gathered my things out my bag and quickly ran to a free spot. Gladion and Hau walked to me and placed their stuff down.

The ocean was so beautiful today and the sun was burning on my skin, so I had to put on sunscreen. I put it on without a problem, or actually, there was one problem; I couldn't reach my back.

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