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I know I told you guys, that the next chapter will be a special, but I didn't manage to finish it now and I didn't want to make you wait. I still hope you will like this chapter. ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


Your POV

I was laying in my bed, staring at my ceiling. The scene of yesterday evening couldn't get out of my head, and it's actually really confusing to me. I turned my body towards the window and looked out of it.

The sun was already high up in the sky. Trainers hyped up and running around with their Pokémon, and here I am, still sleepy and tired, because I just woke up. I called the people from the league and told them I would take a day off, because I just felt like I deserve a day off again!

Giggling to myself, I pulled off the blankets and ran to my closet, pulling out a black hoodie and shorts, with white converse for my feet. After getting in my outfit and grabbing my bag with the Pokéballs, I burst out my door and told my mother, I would go out a little. She told me to take care and so I exited my home.

I instantly felt comfortable, being outside in the fresh. It's way better than staying at home all day. I decided to take a walk and ended up in Iki Town, infront of Hau's House. Shrugging, I knocked at the door. A little visit wouldn't mind. Hau opened the door and had a surprised look on him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, closing the door behind him. I crossed my arms. "Well.. I wanted to visit you, duh." I said in a sassy tone. He seemed to be unimpressed and shook his head, slowly. "Didn't you hear the news yet?"

"What?" I widen my eyes, as I listen closely to what he was talking about. What could be so bad, that his cheeky grin fades?

- Time Skip -

"Gladion is sick. He doesn't have anyone to look out for him, because he's in that Motel in Route 8. Don't ask me why, but he told me to take care of him and not tell anybody."

"Since I've told you, please take care of him. I don't have time anyway~"

I replayed the scene in my head and gritted my teeths nervously. Currently I was on my way to the motel, holding a bag with medicines and ingredients to make some decent food. I was swaying the bag back and forth, thinking what could happen when I'm there.

Gladion is probably expecting Hau and not me. I just hope, he lets me take care of him. I was super unsure about it, but I had to repay him. After all, the prank was a little gone too far.

Once I was infront of his room, I breathed in and out. My body calmed by doing that. I knocked at the door. There wasn't any reaction, at first. So I knocked again, a bit louder.

Loud and slow footsteps came closer to the door. There were also some groans with every step the person took. The door slowly opened, revealing a sick-looking Gladion. His tired eyes widen and he shut the door again. "(Name)– I wasn't.. expecting you. Hau should.. be here", I heard him say slowly. His voice sounded very weak and raspy, as if he had a sore throat.

"Um yes. About that.." I looked down, at the bags with the stuff and then up again at the door. "Please let me in and take care of you." It was a long silence in the atmosphere, until he opened the door again and invited me in. That was the room, where he told me to get out once.

I laughed at my thoughts and edgy Gladion turned to me. He was standing as if nothing is bothering him, but I could see in his eyes, that he was feeling dizzy. I glared at him, for being so careless.

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