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"Hau?! Where are you taking me?" (Name) tried to get out of Hau's grip, but he just tightened it. The black-haired male turned towards her and reassured her a quick nod.

"You will see soon!" He said as he grinned. She let out a sigh and let him pull her along.

They stopped in front of the main port in Akala island. She raised an eyebrow when Hau talked to a man, who she assumed was a ship's captain.

"Is everything ready to set sail to Æther's Headquarter?" He asks the older man. The man nodded and pointed to the ship. "Everything's ready."

Hau pulled (Name) on the ship and placed her on a bench. "Sit here. Someone has a surprise for you." He chuckled, then got off the ship. The girl was confused and looked at the older man, who was setting off for the Æther Paradies.

(Name) gasped. "Wait Hau? You're not coming with me?!"

Hau laughed and waved, as the ship started to sail. (Name) was in pure shock, because he just left her with a stranger alone.

"Don't worry my child. I'm shipping to the Headquarters of Æther. Hau said, his friend Gludion would wait for you. Was it Gludion or Fladion? I don't remember.."

Her (E/C) orbs widened and her mouth gaped open. "Wait. Did you say Gladion?" The man chuckled and shook his head. "No no. I said Gludion or Fladion."

(Name) facepalmed herself and frowned at the older man. "I guess you're talking about Gladion. There's no one named Gludion or Fladion in Alola." The older man glances back at the girl and grinned. "Well, then I suppose Gladion is waiting for you. Not Gludion or Fladion."

(Name) blushed realizing she'll see Gladion in a few moments. The last time she saw him, wasn't that long ago. But the scene he made, after he had left her, was still making her flustered. "I wonder what he wants.." She murmured.

- Somewhere else -

"Let go of me." Gladion tried to shake Guzma off, while the white-haired man was harshly grabbing his arm.

"No I'm not letting you go. Uncle Guzma is just trying to help!!" Guzma yelled proudly, causing the workers around them to to look at them. The teenage boy hated too much attention, so he just rolled his eyes. Then Gladion glared at him, sighed and calmed down. "Fine.. But don't call yourself uncle. We're not blood related."

Gladion and Guzma were standing on the port in Æther.

"What are we doing here?" Gladion asked and looked at Guzma. He just shrugged his shoulders and sneered. "Find out yourself." The blonde raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean find out your– Guzma? Where are you?" He looked out for Guzma, just to find out that he had disappeared. He frowned and gritted his teeths.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted that old guy." Gladion groans.

Gazuma was laughing silently into his phone as he watches the annoyed Gladion tapping his foot. "It's working and (Name) is just about to arrive. No! She's here!" - "What? Okay, keep watching them!" Hau responded back.

Just when Gladion was about to turn around and get back to his room, someone called his name. Well certainly not just someone. He loved that voice and the person.

"Gladion?" A voice said. "I've heard you've been waiting for me?"

He turned around and looked at (Name). A gasp escaped his mouth.

She had a new outfit on (use your imagination), which looked beautiful on her and it made him blush madly. Gladion tries to hide his face with his hand.

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