Special Chapter #1

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"Did you ever go to a trainers school (Name)?", Lillie asked the female Champion, sitting next to her on a bench. "No I never went to school", (Name) admitted, her eyes averted to the blonde. Lillie covered her mouth in surprise and let out a gasp. "No way! How did you study then?"

"I've been homeschooled when I was younger, but then didn't continue because we moved to Alola", she told Lillie and made herself comfortable on the bench, crossing her legs. Lillie hummed in response and grinned. "Wanna try something out?"

(Name) turned her head to Lillie, as her curiosity raised. "What exactly?" - "Let's go to school for a month!", Lillie said cheerfully and stood up from the bench, smiling down at the surprised Champion.

"Only the both of us?" Lillie shook her head and bumped her fist into the air. "We're going to invite Hau and Gladion! Though, Gladions' going to be an upperclassman", Lillie giggled at the thought of (Name) calling her brother, senpai.

(Name) blushed all of a sudden and nodded in agreement. "It sounds fun. So, why not?"

"Great! Let's tell them straight away." She grabbed (Name) by the wrist and dragged her to the malasada shop, where the two other boys were having a malasada. With a lot of pleading, because a certain boy named Gladion didn't like the idea, they finally all agreed to go to school.

- 2 weeks later -

"Don't forget your lunchbox dear", your mother called out, as soon as you stepped out of the house. "Don't worry mom! I've already packed it. Well I'm off now!" You hopped down the stairs and were greeted by a wide smiling blonde girl, who turned out to be Lillie.

"It's our first day in school! I'm so excited, but still nervous a little", Lillie said, swinging her schoolbag back and forth. (Name) chuckled and nodded. "Yeah I'm excited too. Where's Gladion and Hau?", (Name) asked, looking around to maybe find them.

"They went to school a bit earlier than us. Anyway, we have to go now or we'll be late on our first day!" Lillie then hesitantily ran to the direction where the schoolbuilding was, followed by (Name). After some miles, they eventually made it in time.

"Phew, just in time", (Name) panted and looked around the school. Lillie tapped (Name)s shoulders and pointed to a crowd of people. "There's something going on. Let's check it out!" Without waiting for (Name) to respond, she pulled her with her.

"Arceus, he's soooo hot!"
"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

Was said by many female students. That's what they heard, when they got closer to the crowd of people. (Name) raised an eyebrow out of confusion and pushed herself, with Lillie by her side, through the crowd and looked what the cause of the rambling was about. There was Hau, eating peacefully his malasada on a bench, even though there were 30 girls and some boys around them.

But what really attracted them, especially the girls, was the certain blonde boy, who had one eye covered by his bangs. Yes, it was Gladion. He sat there, arms folded and his sharp gaze looking somewhere else, but not the crowd around them.

(Name) tried to greet him and Hau, asking them what is going on here. However, a girl a little taller than her, by the same height as Gladion but smaller, roughly stepped in and smiled at Gladion as cute as possible.

"Hi~", she sang, her voice high-pitched and a little annoying. Gladion twitched a little hearing it and looked up, from the ground he was staring at. He wrinkled his nose and frowned, a bit irritated.

When she saw him glaring at her like that, she stepped back just a little. Still, she stayed infront of him making it unable for Lillie and (Name) to talk to Gladion. They just decided to talk with Hau, even though (Name) had a bad feeling about this girl. She could've sworn that she knows her.

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