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A sigh escaped (Names) mouth. Her attempt to sleep failed. She did sleep for some hours, but she had a nightmare and woke up in a pool of sweat. Gladion in other hand, slept peacefully next to her. He made sure, to give her a lot of space in his bed, since he knows how much she moves when she's asleep. "Gladion", she whispered. He didn't react. Only his cute snorings answered her.

She tapped him on his shoulders and then, he started to notice her. He let out a hum and turned around to face (Name). "What's the matter, (Name)?", he sounded tired. She tried not to cry, it was a terrifying nightmare. "I-I can't sleep." He stared at her for a moment, before realising that she started to sob. Without hesitation, Gladion cupped her face."It's fine. I'm here with you", he told her, while wiping away her tears.

She nodded and closed her eyes, snuggling closer to the blonde male. He was at first suprised and blushed, but he let her do it or else he would've felt bad. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. His warmth made her feel safe and she smiled.

"I'm here for you", Gladion said, before (Name) drifted back to sleep.

"WAKEY WAKEY LOVE BIRDS!", a loud voice yelled. Gladion woke up immediatly and looked at Hau. He had a stupid grin on his face. If looks could kill, then Hau would've been dead already. "I swear, if you'll do that again-" He stopped in his tracks and looked around. Hau tilted his head in confusion. "What's wrong?", the tanned male asked.

"(Name)'s gone."

"What do you mean gone? Wasn't she with you?", Hau asked. Gladion nodded and stared at the floor. He couldn't think of an answer. Where is she? "We have to go look for her. Tell Lillie we're going. Now."
"B-But Lillie promised me, she'll make malasada for breakfast!", Hau whined. Gladion walked up to him, his expression intimidating.

"What's more important, your friends life or malasada?" Hau bit his lips, and raised his fist into the sky. "My friends! Okay, let's go tell Lillie about it!"

"What in the world happened here..?" They were expecting to find Lillie in the kitchen, but the only thing you could find is, a messy place. Gladion walked into the kitchen to investigate, Hau followed.

"It looked like, someone was battling here", Gladion guessed. Something shiny caught Haus eyes. "A Pokeball?" Gladion looked over him and tapped his chin thinking. "Could this be Lillies possession?" Hau shrugged, then threw the Pokeball. A loud cry echoed through the vibrating room. "What the-?!"

"Milo-Milotic!", the water type Pokemon cried. It looked terrified. Gladion tried his best to calm it down. "Hushh, relax! Where's Lillie and (Name)?" The snake like Pokémon moved to a broken window and pointed out. There was a tiny black point, which looked like a ship. "I think Milotic is trying to tell us, that they were kidnapped!!", Hau said all of a sudden.

Gladion sharpened his eyes.
"I think, I know who the reason behind the mess is."


Hello dear readers! Sorry for my inactivity. I've been really busy with my real life. But I'm fine now! I guess, that means more updates? :D

Anyways, how are you guys? I'm glad I have the motivation to continue this story~

Anyways, how are you guys? I'm glad I have the motivation to continue this story~

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