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Your POV

While we were walking along a path on Mele-Mele Island, Gladion covered my eyes with a ribbon, making me unable to see anything but the color black. He was showing the way, by carefully grabbing my hands and pulling me with him.

Sometimes he would even carry me and run, making me wonder where we were going. What could be the surprise?

Gladion suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into him. I stumbled back and straightened my position, looking around. But my eyes were covered, so I only saw black.

"We're here", he said and pulled the band off. I looked around and my eyes widen. We were on the beach, closely by the house of Prof. Kukui. There was a white yacht on the water, perhaps it was waiting for us to arrive.

"You organized the date on a yacht?", I asked him with raised eyebrows. He smiled and nodded awkwardly. "Yeah. I actually bought it, just for the date", he confessed and scratched his cheek, while both of them turned red.

"Ah, rich people don't have anything to worry about, huh?", I demandend sarcastically. He shook his head, disagreeing and folded his arms. "I do have things to worry about. You are one of them."

I playfully hit him on the shoulders. "You don't have to worry about me though! I'm strong!", I said and winked. He looked at me, studying for a moment and sighed in defeat. "I think I really don't have to worry about you." I grinned eye-closed and tilted my head to the side.

Gladion began to take off his shoes and holding it out, gesturing me to carry them. I raised my eyebrows, still not taking them out of his hands.

"Take them", Gladion ordered, shoving them into my arms. "Why? What are you-- eh!?" I squeaked, while he carried me in bridal style and walked into the water in the direction of the yacht. Then he placed me on the ground of it, while pulling himself up. I held out a helping hand and he took it with some hesitation.

"Thanks", he mumbled quietly. I gave him his shoes and smiled. "That's what I'm supposed to say", I told him and looked around the ship.

"Oh Young Master and Miss! I was waiting for your arriv-- WHY ARE YOUR PANTS WET?!", a person, who had a butler uniform on, which was in the Æther Foundation style, asked loudly. Gladion looked at me, then back at the person, frowning.

"I was carrying my lady onto the ship, obviously", Gladion said confidently, while he was putting on his shoes. Wait- did he just say my lady?

I started to blush and look away in the direction of the sea. Gladion walked right next to me and pulled me by my waist closer to him. Behind us was a sobbing. We turned around, facing the butler who had now a tissue in his hands.

"Young Master..", the older man began and wiped away his tears of joy, "you really turned into a gentleman."

Gladion sighed. "Can you start the yacht already?" The butler bowed, excusing himself and walked away to start the yacht. I let out a snickering sound and turned towards Gladion, with a big smile. He turned red and averted his eyes. "W-What?", he stuttered, tripping over his word.

"Nothing~", I sang in a teasing voice and watch how the sun began to set. I let my head rest on Gladions shoulders and closed my eyes, enjoying the calm moment.

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