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Narrators POV

"So (Name).. Tell me more about you", N said, his smile grew while walking closely next to her. As they both looked around Akala island, they - N in particular - received glares from a blonde, that walked behind them. N felt the glare, which made shivers go down his spine. "Well", (Name) started, glancing behind to see Gladion with a worried, yet jealous look, "I'm the first Champion in Alola."

N widened his eyes in surprise, leaning closer to her. "What?! Really?" (Name) averted her eyes and nodded shyly, a blush appearing on her face. On Gladions forehead grew a tick mark and his head got boiling hot from jealousy, but he had to remain calm. His mother told him, he shouldn't get upset around the royal guest. Even if it's really unresistable.

"Wow! I never thought I'd meet the Champion here in Alola", N admitted, laughing sweetly. She gave him a eye closed smile and showed her arm with the Z-Ring. "I don't know if this really interests you, but a guardian deity gave this to me." N tilted his head slightly when he heard the word guardian deity. She looked at him questioning, but then she realised he didn't know what a guardian deity Pokémon is.

"Ah- Guardian deities are Pokémon in the region Alola, that protect each main islands in Alola. I got mine from Tapu-Koko, when I saved Lillies Pokémon", (Name) said, still blushing from the closeness of the greenette. He smiled and nodded understanding. "That's really nice from him. Did Gladion get his from a guardian deity too?" He looked at Gladion, who stared back at him skeptically. "I got mine from the old man."

N snickered and turned again towards (Name). "You should show me around Alola. Please~", N pleaded, trying to be as sweet as possible. Gladion now stepped in between them. Still jealous, but he could handle it. "No. My mother demanded me to show you around, not (Name)", the blonde responded, gritting his teeth. N shook his head dismissing. "I don't want to spend time with someone edgy. (Name) is interesting and to be honest, I really like her."

"HUH?!" Gladion stared at him speechless. (Name) looked at the ground, wide-eyed and her hands on her face. "L-Like..?", she muttered to herself. The blonde exhaled loudly and frowned at the royal person. "Listen-"

"I'm listening little boy", N said laughing. "I'M NOT LITTLE!", Gladion yelled angrily, a blush appeared on his face from the anger. "I'm not okay with you, flirting with (Name)." N tapped his chin thinking. Little did Gladion know, that everything was just an act to make him jealous. It was amusing seeing him get jealous. "Why? I like her. It's okay to flirt with someone you like", N told Gladion, winking at (Name) in process. She began to nosebleed a little.

"S-Still!", Gladion stuttered, not really knowing what to say next, "You can't!" N stopped his movements and chuckled, ruffling Gladions hair and leaning in to whisper into his ears. "I'll leave you guys alone for now. I'm just gonna observe this area, so don't worry about me. I'll be back at the Æther Paradies at 8."

"Whatever", Gladion said, folding his arms and rolling his eyes. "Lady (Name)", N betitled (Name), holding one hand and kneeling down. He kissed her hand, which made her face get red. "I'm gonna leave now. The situation kind of changed."

"O-Oh okay..", she replied, stuttering from the embarrassement. He stood up from the ground and looked at Gladion, motioning him good luck with a nod. The greenette then went his way, while waving at them, before he disappeared completely from their sight.

Gladion let out a relieving sigh and placed a hand on his hips. After some seconds, he glanced at the (H/C)ette. She played with her fingers, still blushing from the scene before.

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