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Narrator POV

"So how exactly are we going to plan this?", Hau asked Guzma, while taking a bite into the malasada that the man promised him to buy. Lillie, who sat next to Hau nodded. "Uh, yes. How will we start it?"

Guzma shrugged. "Well, first we need to know what Gladion likes." - "He likes (Name) of course!", Hau said, after he finished his Malasada. The older male rolled his eyes. "Other things than (Name). Like objects or food.." Guzma listed some things, that people may like or not. But as time passed, no one knew what exactly he liked, something different than (Name), his family and Pokémon.

"Oh I think I know something", Lillie said suddenly, drawing the attention from the others, "He has a stuffed Silvally in his room. But it's always hidden and he takes it out, before he sleeps." Hau and Guzma began laughing really hard at the imagination of Gladion sleeping while hugging a stuffed Pokémon. They were almost on the edge of crying.

"Huh, what are you guys doing here?", a familiar voice asked, irritation was in his voice. Hau turned around and greeted Gladion. "Alola! Where's (Name)?", Hau asked, looking around the shop. "She's using the restroom. Mind telling me what the joke was about?"

"Huh? What joke kid?", Guzma asked, obviously not understanding what he meant. Gladion let out a sigh. "I mean, why were you guys laughing?" - "Pfft, as if we'd tell", Guzma said, sweatdropping and darted his eyes to somewhere other than him.

"Ah really, it's nothing for you to worry about", Lillie said, attempting to calm her brother down. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned his back against them. "I assume you guys were talking about me."

"HAU did you know?!", Hau asked him, not forgetting about the pun. Guzma frowned at Hau skeptically. "Seriously Hau? Look at that kid. Now he knows!"

Gladion turned towards them and widened his eyes in surprise. He was really surprised. "...Wow. I was just joking. Now, if you were talking about me, what was it about, huh?"

Hau began to sweatdrop and glanced over at Guzma for help, who then glanced back at him helpless. Lillie pressed her lips into a thin line and narrowed her eyes. "I- I kinda told them your secret-"

"You didn't tell them.. well you know, did you?", Gladion questioned his sister. She clapped her hands together and slightly bowed. "I'm sorry Gladion, but I had to! Atleast I didn't show them any pictures right?"

"Lillie-", Gladion got caught off by Hau who jolted up from his seat in excitement and a small hint of mischief was in his eyes. "There are pictures of him with the stuffed Silvally?!"

"Great." Gladion folded his arms and shook his head in disappointement. His sharp gaze fell on Lillie, who tried to pull out her phone from her backpack. "Don't you dare to show him any pictures, Lillie." - "Ahh of course, hehe", Lillie said nervously, while putting back the phone she wanted to take out.

"Sorry Gladion that it took so long. Some lady needed my help and- Woah, is this a meeting here?", (Name) stopped next to Gladion and looked at the trio. But before they could respond to her question, Gladion grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her out of the shop, without exchanging words.

Your POV

"Gladion?", I looked at him, after we've made a stop behind a tree. He looked back at me and looked very tired. "Sorry, but we had to go out."

I raised my eyebrows questioning. My phone suddenly began to vibrate, meaning I received a message. When I opened my phone, I saw a picture of Gladion with a mini-Silvally in his arms. My mouth made a grin at this sight. It's so adorable!

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