Special Chapter FINAL

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Thank you sosososo much for reading this story! I know I'm quite inactive now, because of school and stuff. I'm really sorry about that. However - Enjoy the final special chapter. After this, it will continue with Not Accepting!


Several days passed, and Kahili did not harrass Gladion or anyone of you. You sat around the cafeteria table and ate your lunch boxes. Taking a bite into the meal, you felt an gaze on you. You looked at your your friends, you realised it was Gladions green eyes, laid upon you.

You haven't spoken with him for a while, since that incident with Kahili and him. It was like, he avoided talking with you. However, he always stared at you, but whenever you asked him what's up, he looks away. You let out a sigh and look at your lunch, which was almost finished.

An elbow nudged on your side. It was Lillie, a pout plastered on her face. "Hey (Name). What's up with that atmosphere?", she asked you, in a whispering tone. You shrugged your shoulders and looked at her questioning. "What do you mean? There's nothing wrong."

She let out a skeptical hum and continued to watch between you and Gladion. Gladions gaze drifted somewhere else, and you didn't know - well, you wouldn't have expected it - to Kahili. He stared at her in a way, like.. You couldn't describe it, but somehow it hurt.

"It's fine, (Name)", you told yourself and inhaled sharply. "Maybe he just feels sorry."

"I do, actually", Gladion said, responding to your presumption. You blush, realising you have talked loud enough for him to hear. He placed his chin on the palm of his hand and looked at you. "But you know, what? I won't apologize to her."

"Why?", you asked him, unaware of you getting closer to him. He closed his eyes. "She was the one, who insulted you. I think, it's her who should be apologising." You put your hands infront of him and waved them, awkwardly. "Ah- No it's fine!", you told him, "Really."

"Hmph. Well, I guess you're fine with it, but I'm not", he snarled and looked away from you

You looked at Kahili. She talked with a few of her friends as usual. "I'd forgive her", you murmur.

"Hey Kahili!", you said, running to her. She turned around and had a scowl on her face. "What?", she spat, clearly annoyed of you, "Am I not humiliated enough? Do you really want to embarrass me with talking to you?"

"No, I just want you to make sure your friendship with Gladion's fine", you told her with a smile, ignoring her upset look.

"Huh?! What friendship? I was going to make him mine, but no - He didn't show any interests in me. So clearly, we're not meant to be together", she stated and folded her arms, keeping her chin raised up, "Also, he already told me, that he liked someone else though."

"W-What? He told you, who he likes?", you ask her with widened eyes.

She scowled once again and turned around, walking into the direction where your classroom was. But before she started to walk, she said, "Pathetic."

While walking, Kahili gritted her teeth. "You're too oblivious (Name). He likes you, don't you understand? I never had a chance anyways."

"So he does like someone", you nod your head and clapped your hands together, "Alright, let's ask him later about it." You weren't sure yourself, but somehow you were super happy right now. You hopped to your classroom, looking like a happy horse. Hau stared at you and grinned.

"Hey (Name)! Why're you so happy?", he asked you and put his hand behind the back of his head. You sat on your seat and grinned back. "I don't know. I'm just happy! Anyways, Kahili told me that Gladion likes someone!"

Hau gaped his mouth in shock. "W-What?", he gulped, "Do you know who he likes? I think he likes you."

"Pffft! There's no way, that he likes me", you shake your head, denying that there's any possibilities of him liking you. Hau stood up. "Of course he does like you. You should stop playing dumb (Name)."

"Ouch, I never heard those words coming out of you Hau", you said, sweatdropping. He let out a sigh, while plopping down back on his seat. "If you wouldn't be so clueless, then I wouldn't say that. Man, you sure are like those girls in romance anime."

You bit your lip, thinking what he just said. But seriously, there wasn't anything special about you, which would make him like you - so you thought.

Your POV

I closed my eyes and let out a huff, putting my head on the table. The truth is, I like him too, but he isn't showing any signs of affection towards me.

"You should talk to him", Hau said all of a sudden. I turned to him and hummed. "I was planning on talking with him anyways", I replied. Before Hau could respond back, the schoolbell rung and classes started.

After classes finished, I walked off to Gladions' classroom. As always, several girls were standing at the entrance of the room, fangirling about the edgelord. I pushed myself through them and ended up right infront of him. He looked down at me, since I was smaller than him. He furrowed an eyebrow.

"Gladion!", I said and grabbed him by the wrist, to pull him somewhere more quiet. After we escaped his crazy fangirls, we were outside the schoolbuilding, infront of a beauitful tropical tree.

"Phew.. Finally alone", I said with a nervous smile. "What's the reason for you, to drag me all the way out here?", he asked and folded his arms together. I looked at my feet and played with my fingers. "Kahili said you have a crush on someone." I watched his reaction. He widened his eyes and started to blush a bit.

"D-Did she tell you who it i-is?", stuttered Gladion and tried to cover his red face. Wow, I would've never thought seeing Gladion so embarrassed. I shook my head in disappointement. "But Hau told me, that I would be the one you had a crush on. Haha, I know it's impossible that I am your crush. I mean- I'm super awkward, I'm not really good at anything and you're always annoyed by me. But that's not the main reason I'm here for.. I have to tell you something."

I took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. "Gladion.. I really like you. No- I-I even love you. But there's 100 percent no chance of you loving me back so-"

"Shut up you moron", Gladion said and suddenly pulled me into a affectioning hug. He put his face on the crook of my neck and muffled. "I-I love you too. Arceus, I wanted to take the first step." He pulled back and looked at the side, blushing a bit. "I know I've been a douche, the last days. The reason behind it, is because I was planning on confessing to you."

"It's okay Gladion", I said and smiled. He opened his eyes again and kissed me on the forehead. A cute sign of affection.

Narrators POV

Somewhere far away - Actually only a few meters, a passed out Lillie was laying on the lap of Hau. He brushed along her blonde hair and smiled. "I know you were a hardcore fangirl and shipper of them, but I would have never thought you would pass out."

Hau looked at the fresh couple and giggled. "Good job Gladion."


Whew.. I know it's not special. But that's all I had an idea off. Also, thank you again for 100k. That's like a big number for me. :O

I'm still not finished with my project, and I'm kinda under time pressure. I hope, if I just focus on it, I'll make it in time. Thank you for staying tuned and until the next time!

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