Special Chapter #2

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"Ugh, this girl is getting on my nerve", Lillie said, while slurping from her drink. She shot a glare to the light-blue haired girl, who was very close to Gladion. Gladion, to your surprise, talked with her very casually. You let out a nervous laugh as a sweatdrop rolled down your forehead.

Lillie then squinted her eyes at you. "Why aren't you interfering?", the blonde asked you. "I- It's none of my business, right?", you questioned yourself, receiving a heavy breath from the girl.

"Listen up (Name), she's flirting with your future husband", by now, your head got red as Lillies blabbers continued, "I don't want to have that girl as a sister by law. PLEASE DO SOMETHING!"

You turned your head towards Gladion and Kahili. Gladion was staring back at you, his gaze sharp as ever. You blush and look away. "I-I don't know", you told Lillie, feeling like all your confidence is drained. "Maybe he likes her too."

"WHAT?!", Lillie grabbed your shoulders and shook you, "H-He doesn't even like her!" It didn't convince you as she expected. You stood up from the seat and walked out of the cafeteria. Lillies' eyes following your movement. Hau who spectated the scene shook his head.

"Lillie, you know your brother the best. I'm sure he'll make the first move." Lillie hummed as response and lied her head onto Haus' shoulder, closing her eyes and inhaling his malasada scent. "I'm just worried", Lillie explained and opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling.

"Don't be. Here, have a malasada", Hau held out a packaged malasada and smiled brightly. She gratefully took one bite of the malasade and gave the remaining back.

You walked along the hallways and stopped infront of your empty classroom. Without hesitating, you enter and sit on your seat which was right beside the window. Your elbows placed on the table and your head rested on the palm of your hands, as a sigh escaped your mouth.

"First move, huh?", you whisper to yourself, closing your eyes. The door of the classroom opened and you look who came in. It was Gladion. You didn't think anything special and just keep doing what you were doing - nothing.

"(Name)", he said, wanting your attention. You turn to him and slightly tilt your head to the side. "I wanted to talk with you", he said, before sitting to the seat next to you, which was Kahilis seat. You nod, waiting for him to continue.

He inhaled and exhaled, his eyes were closed. Then, he opened them, revealing a confident look in his eyes. "I know this is all of a sudden but I wanted to let-"


Gladion let out a grumble and turned towards the person who yelled his name. Kahili, of course. She then walked over us and pulled a chair with her, which afterwards was placed very closely to Gladion. You could see his facial expression looked seriously annoyed.

"What are you doing? I was just telling you about my new record in golf!", she whined and blinked a few times, trying to look cute. Gladion rolled his eyes and moved his chair a little. "I'm sorry, but all you do is talking about yourself. Seriously, it's starting to get annoying", Gladion told Kahili. You gaped your mouth open from surprise, to hear what the blonde just said to her.

She looked, upset and straight up disgusted. "Why? I'm not allowed to talk about myself? What about that Champion girl? (Name)." Gladion now furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What about her?"

"She's ugh - annoying and ugly!", she yelled and pointed you out. Students who were passing through, now gathered around the classroom to check out what was happening. You gulped and tried to calm them down, but Gladion stood up from his seat.

"Stop talking about (Name) like that. To me, she's the most beautiful girl I've met. Yes she can be annoying, but I lo-", Gladion stopped in mid sentence and cleared his throat, "like her! Unlike you, she doesn't talk about her that often."

The crowd let out a uuuh sound and whispered each other, while Kahili was left speechless. She clicked her tongue and left the classroom, ignoring the looks from the others.

"I- Sorry Gladion", you apologized and avoided any eyecontact with the blonde. "Why are you sorry?", he asked and sat back on the seat.

"Don't know. Probably because I'm not talking about me that often." He let out a laugh and patted your head, telling you it's okay. You smiled at the blondes affection.

"Oh, and what was it, that you wanted to tell me?", you asked him. He started to blush and scratched the back of his head. The curiosity raised in your mind, as you tilted your head, waiting for his respond.

Instead of telling you, he got up from the seat and covered his face from embarrassement. "Nevermind. I'll tell you when the time's right."

"Alright. I'll catch you later Gladion", you told him and smiled. He smiled back and then walked out of the classroom, heading to his room where the lesson soon will begin.

Someone next to you, let out a sigh. You look up and saw an eyeclosed Hau. "I thought for sure he's going to confess", he said and folded his arms, shaking his head in disappointement, "But well, you can't blame him. He's a child afterall."

"Are you really Hau?", you asked him and widened your eyes, lips pressed together. He showed you his usual toothy grin and nodded his head. "Of course! Why?"

A sweatdrop rolled down your face. "N-Nevermind", you told him and smiled nervously.

And so, another day in school ended.


Hi guys! :3
I hope I surprised some of you with this update. I really had the urge to write something again, and this turned out. Well, anyways, my project is going okay. It's hard, but I'm okay ^^;

Since I haven't written that much in English for a while, there could be some mistakes in spelling and grammar. So sorry! ;-;

However, have a nice day~

However, have a nice day~

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