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Okay guys;
Call me crazy but I feel like writing a lemon??
I don't know. I never wrote one, so it will be bad anyway );

The lemon will be published (if I have an idea how to write it) in a seperate book~

Enjoy this chapter!!


Your POV

"Wait Gladion!", I breathed out and ran after him, while gasping for air. He let out a sigh and stopped walking, turning towards me with his signature pose.

"Hmph. Why would she even choose our childs name? We're supposed to do that, not her." He drove through his bangs, making his whole face visible for a moment. I gulped and looked down. I started to blush. "Our.. We're..?", I questioned. The blood flushed on his cheeks again. He averted his eyes and folded his arms. "Don't get the wrong idea! Moron!", he growled angrily and embarrassed.

He turned on his heels, his back facing me again.

"W-Whatever. I'm going in my room. You can tag along, if you like." He began to walk into the direction to his room, his footsteps echoing through the hall. I run, approaching him slowly, then lowered the pace when I was next to him. He took a quick glance at me, but quickly looked away when he saw me looking at him too.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"But I like to look at you!", I told him with a smile. His facial expression- Unbelievably cute. He puffed his red cheeks and looked away again. "Hmph."

As soon as we arrived at the door, his room on the other side of it, he turned the handle down and opened the door for me. I stepped into the room and looked around. It didn't change at all, when I was the last time here.

Gladion walked to his white king-sized bed and lied on it, eventually also closing his eyes. I tip toed towards him and kneeled down on the edge of the bed, my arms on the matress. He lifted his eyes open again, when he felt his matress lowering by the weight of my arms as my head I rested on them.

"What are you doing?", Gladion asked with a questioning frown. I looked away and started to scratch my nape awkwardly. "W-Well uh.. I'm kinda tired?", I tried to explain. It looked like his gaze softened, but he still got his usual frown plastered on his face. He closed his eyes, but still faced me. Also, his blush came back.

"I'm tired too. If you like, we can take a nap together", he said with a yawn and sounded slightly nervous. I widened my eyes in surprise and looked at the ground. Trying as much as possible to avoid his looks. I felt his gaze on me as he shifted in his bed, then suddenly grabbing my wrist and pulling me on the bed. A shadow covered his face, I couldn't read his expression right now.

He hugged me in a sitting position from behind, his long arms around my body. His breath was right on the crook of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He then pulled over the blanket over our bodies, still hugging me tightly.

"Gladion? Is something wrong??", I asked him, confused by his actions, yet blushing like a madman. He pulled me down in a laying position and his arms were wrapped around my waist by now. "Just tired", he mumbled tiredly. I let out a chuckle and turned to the other side. "Well then have a good nap, Gladion."

He was already snoring quietly when I finished my sentence. I turn again, looking at his sleeping face. I carefully brushed his bangs away from his face and observed every feature of his face. Then suddenly, he opened his eyes again. I got scared for a moment, but calmed down when he grinned like a child. My heartbeat increased instantly and I blushed insanely.

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