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Narrator POV

- The next day -

(Name) was waiting in the final room of the Pokémon League. She sat on the throne, looking around the room boredly, eventually hoping that the blonde boy would be here soon. Then, after waiting for what seemed like hours, she heard footsteps coming her way, so she got up from the seat, walking towards the battle field.

"Gladion you really took your tim-" (Name) stopped talking and widened her eyes in surprise. It was the blackette she hasn't seen for a while. Heck, it was like he disappeared in a hole.

"Alola (Name), it's been a while!", said Sun and waved at the Champ of Alola. She squinted her eyes at him and placed her hands on her hips. "Sun? What are you doing here?", she asked him, tilting her head to the side. Sun began to chuckle and pulled out a Pokéball. "To claim the title Champion! I've been doing the island trial for the past few weeks. I've got to admit, since Solgaleo was my partner it was, of course, easier to win and pass the exams."

"A-Are you serious?", (Name) stuttered out, stepping back a little. Sun held out his Pokéball and smirked. "I challenge you to a battle, Champion (Name)."

- After the battle -

They battled a long time. It was actually only 30 minutes, yet it felt like hours, because of the difficult trainer. (Name) stepped back and wiped her sweat away, calling her Pokémon back in it's container. She smiled brightly, while Sun just stared at her blanky, his jaw dropped. "W-Wow. You indeed are a strong Champion. However, I will surpass you. Just keep that in mind!", Sun said, winking at the female Champion. She just nodded and sat back on her throne.

Before Sun walked out of the hall, he looked back at (Name), his lips twitching. He was about to say something, but he couldn't. Not yet, atleast. He let out a breath and exited the room, silently.

Not long after that, Gladion finally arrived. He was gasping for air, after he was in the hall. The girl stood up from her throne and placed her hands on her knees, leaning over Gladion to take a look at him. He was in the same position like her, just looking on the ground. "Is everything okay Gladion?", (Name) asked him. Gladion looked up when he heard her soft voice, their faces almost touching. He stumbled back a bit and blushed, his hands flew on his face to cover it. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just exhausted by all the battles though", he admitted, averting his eyes.

(Name) started to laugh at him, which caused her to receive a glare from the edgy boy. It didn't affect her, since she was used to his threatening expressions. Sometimes he would have softer looks, but that's only on special occasions. Lately, however, he wasn't that edgy around her.

"Shall we battle?", Gladion asked her, smiling a bit. "I don't know. I just had a really hatd battle against Sun", she explained, a little insecure. He raised an eyebrow and hummed. "So this brat's still alive. Was he flirting with you?"

"What? No. What makes you think that?", (Name) asked him. "Tch. I just wanted to know", Gladion hissed, folding his arms. He softened his look and stared into your eyes.

"Let's just pass the battle. Your Team made a good effort in your fight against Sun. I don't want to hurt them more", Gladion said, sympathic for her Team. She smiled and closed her eyes. "Yeah. I'm glad you understand. Let's just plan on how we're working on the prank."

They walked out of the League and made a stop by the Pokémon Centre, where they could plan it peacefully, without any trainers challenging (Name).

Both of them, sat by the counter, ordering drinks and snacks for their beloved Pokémon. Gladion took a sip from his Tapu-Cocoa and began to smile widely, humming delightful. Who would've thought that Gladion would really enjoy it? (Name), who had seen the scene began to blush. She hasn't seen him acting as cute like this before. It touched her heart.

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