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Just in case if you're wondering: I've changed the story name and cover. Have fun with this chapter!


The (h/c)-haired girl was training endlessly with her new friend Type:Null on route 2. Ever since she got it from Gladion, she would spoil it with everything she got. It had been suffering in the Æther Paradies for too long and it's heartbreaking for her to know that.

She gave Type:Null a nickname. It's name is Yuudai.

Yuudai was happy to be with her and glad to found a trainer that would take care of it. He sat next to (Name), who was leaning against a tree trunk and put his head on her lap.

She chuckled. "You're tired, aren't you Yuudai?" The Pokémon said let out a growl and closed its eyes. She softly patted his head.

(Name) has been very busy, because of the Ultrabeast incidents. She hasn't seen Gladion and Hau for about two months now, though she has seen Hau just recently. The girl lowered her head and closed her eyes. She was being curious if Gladion had already attempted the Pokémon League yet, or even how he was doing after all.

"Maybe I'll pay him a visit." She said quietly. Yuudai, being tired by the training, fell into a comfortable slumber on (Name)'s lap. The girl still caressed its head. "Sleep tight Yuudai." The girl said, as she entered the land of dreams.

"Hey wake up." Something poked her cheeks. Her nose twitched from the touch.

"No~ Five more minutes." (Name) said.

(Name) heard a familiar sigh. The sigh she wanted to hear so unconditionally. No, the person this sigh belongs to, she wanted to see.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the blonde boy standing infront of her. He frowned and kneeled down to her level. "Why are you sleeping in the middle of nowhere?" Gladion asked worried and glanced over the Pokémon right next to her.

The girl stood up and looked into his green orbs. She blushed, knowing he had seen her sleeping. Let alone, she looked like a mess after sleeping. It was very embarrassing for her. However Gladion liked to see this side of hers, but quickly shoved the feeling away.

"I was practicing with Yuudai." She began and brushed the dirt off her clothings. Yuudai was still sleeping. Though, not on her lap anymore. "But he fell asleep while we had a break. I mean, we both fell asleep." She ended awkwardly.

Gladions expression didn't change. He stood up and put his hands in his pocket. "Why are you even here?" (Name) asked skeptically. The boy looked at her. If she knew, that he wanted to visit her, since he hasn't seen her for a while, it'll be more than just embarrassing. He scratched the back of his neck and avoided her eyes.

"I was doing some stuff. Like training." He lied, obviously. (Name) took notice of it and played along. "Is that so? Why not practicing on Ula-Ula island or Poni? There are way more stronger Pokémon than here on Mele-Mele island."

He sweatdropped and a blush crossed his face, as he tried to look for another excuse. She grinned and turned her heels towards the sleeping Pokémon and then back to him. "I know you lied Gladion. I can see, you're blushing." She teased and poked his cheeks, which made him more heated than he already was.

He slapped her hands away and huffed, making the (H/C)-haired girl burst out in laughter.

"I was planning on visiting you." He admitted and glared at the girl, who still couldn't stop laughing.

She stopped and widened her eyes. "What? Really?" He turned around, his back facing her and crossed his arms. "Don't think I like you or anything. I just wanted to see how my rival is doing."

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