Christmas Special 2

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And here's the second part, you guys have been waiting for. Have fun~ ^_^

It's super L O N G.

By the way: These two chapters has nothing to do with the main story. It's a special~


Your POV

The next morning I was super hyped up, for a unknown reason. Perhaps, it's because I was looking forward today on seeing Gladion again, since I haven't seen him for a week. I grabbed all my Pokéballs and called them out. My team let out a happy cry, while some of them roared.

I kneeled down their level and smiled happily. "Good morning! Do you guys want to decorate the room?", I ask and pointed to some boxes, filled with christmas decorations. They all let out a positive growl and made their way to the boxes, while I watched them. I decided to bake some cookies, since we're gonna have a party. Well, a celebration with my Pokémon and maybe Gladion, if he'd like to join.

Yuudai (If you forgot who it was, it's Silvally) walked into the kitchen with a santa hat on top of its head, and was holding another one in it's mouth. Probably gesturing me to put it on. I looked at Yuudai with a surprised look.

"Do you want me to wear it?" The Pokémon nodded and growled, jumping up and down excited. Once I put it on, it snuggled against my body and then went back to help the others to decorate.

When I put the cookies in the oven, they were done with decorating the room. It was simply a red and green, with a bit of gold themed christmas room now. But to be honest, I couldn't have done it better than them. I pulled all six of them in a embrace and squeezed them tightly, but gentle.

"It looks so amazing! Good job. Let's watch some Christmas movies, until the cookies are ready." I suggested. We all sat on the couch, switching channels until we found a perfect movie.

But before we could even watch the movie, someone knocked at the door. I got up, to open the door. And then, after I saw the person who it was, my eyes widened.

Gladion was standing outside with a gift in his hand. He also had fake elf-ears on his ears, making him look like one of Santa's assistants. On top of his head he had a hat too. Similar to mine, but it was green. He was looking away with a blush on his cheeks.

"D-Don't look at me like that", Gladion hissed, all embarrassed, "Guzma forced me to wear this."

I tried to hold in my laughter. Just imagine him standing infront of you, looking like an elf. It's a one time chance to see him like that.

"I'm surprised. I didn't think you would come, Mr. Elf." I almost bursted out laughing, but I placed a hand on my mouth to refrain it. His eyes twitched from annoyance as he sighed. "Let me in?", he asked in an annoyed tone. Somehow, I saw his elf-ears twitch and I started laugh.

After calming down, I invited him in and all my Pokémon looked at him with interested looks. He waved at them and placed the gift he had on the table.

I was eyeing the present carefully and tapped on his shoulder. He jumped back and turned around. "Whose gift is that~?", I ask and wiggled my eyebrows. He bit his lips and avoided my eyes again. "No ones." I raised my eyebrows at him and shrugged.

Who else could he give this present to, when no one else, but me, is here? Will he even stay here?

"Um, are you gonna stay here?" Gladion turned his attention back to me and nodded. He placed his hands on his hips and smirked. "That's what I told you. I'll be coming over and probably even stay."

I wanted to say something, but he grabbed into his bag and called his team out of their balls. They were examining my house and smiled, once they spotted my Pokémon sitting on the couch and watching us.

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