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Gladion POV

Seriously. Ever since the time I had told Lillie about how (Name) took the first opportunity to ask me out on a date, she's been scolding me. According to her, boys were supposed to ask the girl first. I told her I was planning to, but (Name) had made the first move.

Anyway - Yesterday I texted (Name), telling her I would plan the date, so my little sister would stop scolding me. Well that's not exactly the reason why I wanted to plan the date. I just plan to have a nice first date with the girl I really care about.

Thankfully my sister had agreed with the idea of me planning the date and stopped with her talk. It's a gentlemen thing, I recall her saying that.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and let the hair stylist cut my bangs a little, since they have grown longer.

"Is something the matter?", the hair dresser asked me, while I massaged my temples to build down my stress I've had lately.

"I don't know if that's any of your concern", I replied back rudely. She scoffed and kept silent, cutting my bangs in process.

After she cutted my hair, I paid her and left the shop without changing another word with the woman.

Looking around the street of Hauholi City, I spot a stall where they sell flowers. I walk there, seeing an elder woman smile at me. I saw a bouquet of Gracideas and take a closer look.

"They are in blooming season and very popular lately, so they get selled out quickly", the elderly woman began, looking at me with glistering eyes, "It's the best way to show your loved ones your gratitude."

She pulled the bouquet out of its vase and handed it to me.

She pulled the bouquet out of its vase and handed it to me

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"Here young man. I'm giving you them for free", she said and smiled. I looked at her, trying to find the right words to express how grateful I am.

"Thank you", I said and bowed slightly. I look at the flowers and smile. I'm pretty sure (Name) will like them.

The elderly woman gave me a thumbs up. "It's for the future."

I tilted my head, not knowing what she meant by that. "What do you mean by future?" She chuckles. "I'm sure a young man like you, has a girl he really likes. By future I mean her being your wife. Well if you excuse me now. Goodbye child." The woman walks behind the stall, leaving me blushing with the bouquet in the hands.

I pulled out my phone and started texting (Name).

Gladion: Where are you right now?

She didn't take long to reply back. It was instantly.

(Name): I'm at the Pokémon League. Why~?

I smiled to myself, not caring to reply back. With the bouquet of Gracideas in my hand, I walk to the port, to take the next ship to Ula-Ula Island.

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