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Your POV

"(Name) I..", Gladion began, pulled his head away from my neck and looked away, on another side. His once intense proximity turned into a blushing mess, making me wonder why.

"Yes..?" , I ask him and tilted my head in progress. He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed, probably thinking about something.

"You can tell me anything Gladion", I told him and reassured him a small smile. He looked at me for a short time, but then averted his eyes again. He pulled me off his lap and hides his face in embarrassement. I could see the smoke coming out of his ear!

"I-I can't tell you. I'm such an idiot", he muffled in his hands. "No you're not an idiot Gladion! You're just the lord of edgy!", I sarcastically said and giggled. He looked from his face up and rolled his eyes. Oh there he was again, the annoyed blonde boy. Gladion sighed once again and his frown replaced his embarrassed face.

"Ha-ha. You're really good in cheering up", he accentuated the really and stood up from the floor. He drove his finger through his blonde bangs and looked at me for a moment. I, on the other hand, had an eyebrow rosen up in confusion. He cleared his throat and fixed his clothes, that were a little wrinkled by the floor.

"I'll tell you next time. It's not a good time yet", he said and headed to the door, but an overly excited fangirl, who I usually call Lillie, came running inside. Lillie pulled Gladion by his arm and forced him to sit on the ground again. After a while of heavy pantings, she calmed down.

"G-Guys! Let's go and eat some Malasadas with Hau!", she suggested and looked at Gladions face and then at mine. She smirked, seeing us blush and grabbed our hands.

"Ah Lillie, you didn't forget your dare, did you?", asked Gladion and looked at his little sister. She froze for a moment and turned around, with a nervous smile carved on her lips.

"Yeah, I haven't forgot it! Why should I?", she laughed nervously. Me and Gladion looked at each other and exchanged looks, as if we were communicating by our minds.

"She totally forgot."

"Yup, definitely."

We cover our mouths from laughing and exited the Æther Foundation ground, flying to Hauholi City where we planned on meeting Hau.

We saw him already standing in front of the Malasada Shop and waved at him. He waved back smiling, but as soon as he spotted Lillie, his jaw dropped.

"Hey guys! Lillie, you look amazing!!", Hau complimented, while grinning eye-closed and widely. Lillie started blushing and turned her head away from him, to avoid any embarrassing situation. Though, there was already one. Gladion glared at Hau, for flirting with his little sister- in front of him! "What was that?", Gladion asked, frowning deeply.

I laughed at his unnecessary reaction. We all know Hau is too innocent for these kind of things. Right? Actually, I'm having my thoughts about the last few months. But overprotective brothers are - exhausting.

"The same Malasadas as always for me, Malasada Lady!", Hau said and placed his hands behind his head, while the waitress noted down the things we all wanted. After we ordered our orders, there was a silence filled in the air. I only saw Gladion glaring at Hau, because he was sitting next to Lillie, who happened to be still blushing. Is it what I was thinking?

Is Lillie in love with Hau?

But Hau is as always clueless about what is happening around him, so I don't know if he really notices her feelings.

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