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I forgot to tell you guys, that this story contains spoilers from the game! And you guys are not eleven like in the game. You're 16 years old! I hope you enjoy it anyways. (。・ω・。)


Even though Alola is an island with high temperatures and mostly sunny, sometimes rain would occur. And today was one of these days. It wasn't just raining, it was a storming! (Name) was sitting lazily in the Pokémon Center and hoped that the storm would go away soon, so she can continue to train with her Pokémon.

The storm was as strong like in Po'u. The headquarter of Team Skull, where Yungoos was captured and (Name)'s mission was to rescue it.

A while later, the mission was completed. She had been wet, freezing and didn't have the chance of getting drying herself, because Gladion was storming in angrily and insisted saving Lillie and Nebby, which of course she understood and followed him up right away. After everything was alright, she got sick for some days, but it was definitely worth saving her friends.

Speaking of Gladion, she hasn't seen him for a while now. She thought it had to be like 2 to 3 weeks, since she hadn't seen him. It did make her sad, but he could live without her anyway. But of course, (Name) didn't know that this was not true.

"We're not friends, but we're not enemies either. We're rivals."

She replayed the scene between her and Gladion. Before she challenged the top four elite, he wanted to battle her, as a thanks. It was a precious day for her, since she got on that day the first Champion in Alola and she had seen Gladion smile for the first time! That precious smile of his.

She smiled to herself as she imagined him smile again. Her heartbeat quickens, while her cheeks heatens up and her Primarina looked at her confused. (Name) glances to her first Pokémon and stroked it's head slowly and gentle. Primarina let out a happy cry.

Suddenly the entrance door opened and revealed a very familiar boy. She narrowed her eyes at him. The boy looked in her direction and began to grin, when he spotted the (H/C)-haired girl.

"Hey (Name)!!", Hau yells and waved. She waved back to him and Hau walks towards her. His clothes were dripping wet, but even so, he smiled. She looked up and down.

"Uh, do you need a towel?", she asked awkwardly and handed him a spare of her towels. He grabbed the towels and grinned again. Thankfully her mother had her back and would always remind her of packing these things.

"Thank you so much!", Hau said and sat down next to her. He dried his hair and then called out his Incineroar, who let out a loud growl. Hau giggled and gave him several Pokébeans.

"What have you been doing in the storm?", (Name) asked skeptically. He scratched his neck. "I was doing some training. Hehe.."

"In that weather?!" She asked bewildered, making him back up a little. He placed his hands behind his head and smiled. "Yep! It was actually refreshing. You should do that too."

The girl let her head rest on her palm. It does sound like fun, but did she really want to get sick again? No she didn't. She wanted to go to the battle tree soon and couldn't afford it, getting sick. But somehow it awoke her interests. A little bit rain wouldn't hurt anyone. Right?

"I'm on it. Bye Hau!"

"Okay bye! See you later maybe", He grins. She called back her Primarina and exited the Pokémon Center.

A cold breeze instantly blew against her body. Freezing she rubbed her shoulders and walked along the streets. How could Alola get so cold, when it's just raining? Everytime she exhaled, a puff of warm breath formed. She grinned and continued to do it, looking like a child.

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