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Your POV

I woke up grumbling in a uncomfortable bed, as I felt a sting on the back of my head. I put a hand on the spot where it hurts, shedding some tears. I whimpered and shut my eyes, trying to maintain the pain. Once I got used to it, I opened my eyes again.

"What--?" I looked around, only to realise I'm in an unfamiliar room. It didn't look suspicious at all. Just like an avarage teenage room, with some shelves where some Pokémon Theory books were placed. That's the only thing I took notice of.

"Oh, so you're awake", A voice said all of a sudden. I turn towards the direction to where it came from and rose up from the bed, glaring at the interruder.

"Who are you?", I asked him, growling like a wild Pokémon. He smirked and walked closer to me, while I backed up. Falling on the bed in process.

"You don't remember me, do you?", he questioned me. I scanned his face, trying to find out if I had ever seen him.

My body stiffened and my face expression changed. I apprehend him as the flirty butler from the date I had with Gladion. His hairstyle was very different than from the evening before. He had his black hair down, while yesterday he had his hair styled up.

"From the look of your face, I assume you must remember me."

"You've got some nerves to kidnap me", I told him and smirked. I was planning on grabbing a Pokéball out of my bag, but it was all empty. My smirk disappeared and I took a quick glimpse in it. He noticed how I was looking for my Pokémon, so he began to laugh hysterically.

"Looking for your Pokémon?", he asked while tilting his head in a provocating way. "Don't worry. They're in a better place."

"They better be safe or else, you're gonna have to mess with me", I hissed and frowned deeply. He laughed once again and turned around, his back facing me. Somehow, I had a feeling in me, that I know him. Not only as a butler, but also a friend. It's weird.

"Stop wrinkling your forehead like that. I'm just using you as hostage~", he sang in an teasing voice.

I remember how I was in my house after the date, relaxing in my room. But suddenly I heard a loud thud sound in the livingroom and when I walked out my room to check, I blacked out. Probably, he knocked me out and then kidnapped me, while I was unconcious. But what was the cause of it for him to kidnap me?

"Hey you", I called, as I hugged my knees. I sat back on the bed, where I was passed out before. I squinted my eyes at him, when he looked over his shoulders at me.

"Why are you using me as a hostage?", I asked him quietly. He turned his whole body towards me and walked even closer than he already was. Eventually leaning down when he was on the edge of the bed and where I was leaning against a wall, hugging my knees tightly.

"This crazy woman made my family suffer."

I raised my eyebrows at him, not exactly sure who he was talking about. But I somewhat had a feeling, who it could be. "Who..?"

"Lusamine..", he mumbled and looked at the ground, gritting his teeth. He raised his head back up, looking at me with hatred and sadness in his eyes. "She tortured them - My parents. She forced them to do things, they normally wouldn't do." Tears rolled down his cheeks. He agressively wiped them away and tried to hold back his sobs.

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