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I'm so sorry that I took so long to update! But don't worry I'm not dead~ Anyways, enjoy this chapter. I've ran out of ideas, that's why it took so long. ( ゚д゚) Welp, whatever.


Narrator POV

The sky had turned pitch black, with stars decorating the night. The moonlight shone upon (Name), making it easier for her to see the surroundings. Although, the only thing she saw in front of her, was the ocean.

She shifted herself in a more comfortable position and leaned back on the bench. Sighing, she wrapped her arms around her knees and looked at the clock. It was already 12pm, yet the person she waited for hasn't arrived.

"Why is she taking so long?", (Name) asked herself, grumbling.

??? POV

I ran quickly, pushing myself through the gates and receiving glares from the other passengers I've passed, while looking out for (Name). I exited the building and saw her (H/C) hair already from distance. My eyes lightened up and I grinned at the thought of having an idea on how to approach or rather surprise her.

I tip-toed behind her and placed my hands on her eyes. "Guess who it is~?" I sang and giggle. I heard her gasp, so I pulled back my hands and smiled. She turned around and looked at me, with widened eyes.

"Lillie! Finally! How was the trip?", (Name) asked and while giving me a friendly hug. She pulled back and scanned me, with a big grin. "You look more like a Pokémon Trainer now."

I nodded, while pulling out six Pokéballs out of my bag and showing them to her. "It was very tiring, hehe. And I am one! I've seen so many new Pokémon in Kanto (I believe that's where went to, right?) and I didn't know there were that many different species. It's amazing!"

"I'm glad you liked it there" (Name) smiled and placed her hands on her hip. "Want to battle?"

"Uh.. Heh, I was weak before we met. But I have improved! Even though, I doubt to win against you. You're the first Champion in Alola, so I don't know.."

(Name) patted my shoulders and pouted. "Ah come on. Quit whining and let's just battle! Maybe you'll win", she said with a thump up. I sighed in defeat and called out my first Pokémon I've ever caught; Milotic. It howled, as it came out the Pokéball. I grinned at her priceless reaction. It wasn't just an ordinary Milotic, it was a shiny one!

"OH MY ARCEUS! It's shiny! I've never encountered one before!", she yelled, with wide opened eyes

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"OH MY ARCEUS! It's shiny! I've never encountered one before!", she yelled, with wide opened eyes. "Well, here's your chance!", I said proudly and crossed my arms. She smirks and calls out her Alolan Raichu.

"Let's go!", we both say at the same time.

Narrator POV

"Use Thunderbolt!", (Name) commanded. A-Raichu striked an electric bolt on his opponents Pokémon, but Milotic dodged it.

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